Chapter Twenty-Six: Kinkajou Paradise

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Kinkajou Paradise felt her hands clench as Winter, followed by Lynx, entered the room. Lynx shot her a stern look, and Kinkajou reluctantly unclenched her hands.

"Winter has something he wants to say," Lynx informed the group, giving Winter an even sterner look than the one she'd given Kinkajou. Winter rubbed his eyes as though the conversation were tiring him. 

Qibli sighed, and the actual annoyance in his voice surprised Kinkajou. Qibli rarely got annoyed, and when he did, he did a pretty good job of hiding it. He must be really annoyed at Winter. 

And she got it. She was annoyed too. 

Winter sighed and ran his hand through his hair when Lynx gave him another significant look. "I'm sorry for what I said." 

"And?" Lynx prompted, giving Kinkajou, Qibli, Turtle, Blue, and Umber a look that said, Just roll with it.

Winter sighed again, longer and more exasperated than before. He hid behind his bangs as he told them, "And I didn't really mean it. I just . . . instincts took over." He fidgeted. 

Kinkajou exchanged a glance with her friends. Winter certainly seemed sincere, especially since he looked this nervous. And honestly, Kinkajou didn't think he would apologize if he didn't mean it, both because Lynx wouldn't let him and because he simply wasn't that kind of person. 

"We forgive you," Blue said solemnly. 

"No, we don't!" Kinkajou and Qibli interrupted at the same time. They looked at each other, and Kinkajou grinned when she saw the same mischievous expression on Qibli's face that she was sure was on hers. 

"We get to make you do something first," Kinkajou informed Winter. "To prove you actually mean it." 

"Are you sure that's necessary?" Blue asked. 

"Yes," Qibli said. "What should we make him do?" 

"How about nothing?" Winter suggested. 

"No way," Kinkajou said. She did a little jump, grinning widely as her mind filled with ideas. Should they make him eat a plate of food Clay picked out? Or force him to wear Qibli's clothes for the rest of the week? 

"Oooh, I've got it," Lynx said, giving Winter a devilish grin. 

He sighed. "You're seriously siding with them?"

Her grin widened as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and winked. "You deserve it. Also, it's fun embarrassing you." 

Winter huffed as he sat down on the couch. "All right. What's my punishment?" 

"I have to discuss it with the Board of Dare first," Lynx informed him, leading Kinkajou, Qibli, Blue, Umber, and Turtle into the girls' common room. "I think we should have him leave a note on Professor Kestrel's desk that says, 'I love the way you smell. What odorant do you use? Skunk?' And then he should have to sign it, 'Your secret admirer'." 

Kinkajou doubled over laughing. "Okay, you're officially my partner in crime," she told Lynx once she'd gotten her breath back. "I'm going to have to show you my notebook about how best to embarrass everyone in our group later." 

Lynx grinned, tossing her luscious silvery blue hair over her shoulder again. "Deal." 

"We should take a vote," Turtle suggested. "All in favor of Winter leaving an embarrassing note on Kestrel's desk?" Kinkajou rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. This was such a Turtle thing to do. 

Kinkajou, Lynx, Qibli, and Umber raised their hands. Turtle and Blue did not. 

"Come on, guys," Qibli said exasperatedly. 

"I still think this is unnecessary," Blue insisted. 

"Well, we don't, and you were outvoted anyway," Lynx informed him. She tugged Qibli and Kinkajou toward the door, and the others followed. 

"Okay! Winter, get out some paper." 

He glared at her. "From how hard Kinkajou was laughing, I have a feeling I'm going to regret this." 

"You only figured that out now?" Qibli scoffed. 

"No, but that confirmed it." He sighed but did as Lynx asked and got some paper. 

"Okay, now write, 'Dear Kestrel'," Kinkajou instructed. 

"Wow, I'm really going to regret this." Nevertheless, Winter did as Kinkajou told him, probably knowing it was fruitless to resist. Or maybe fruitful, since if he resisted, Kinkajou was liable to throw fruit at him. She decided then and there that if he didn't go through with his punishment, she would stuff a pineapple up his nose. 

"And now write, 'I love how you smell. What odorant do you use? Skunk? Love, Your Secret Admirer'," Qibli said, and his voice had a definite smirk in it. 

"And you have to leave it on her desk on the first day of school," Lynx put in. "She's your homeroom, right?" 

"And I'll stuff a pineapple up your nose if you don't do it," Kinkajou added fiercely. 

Winter sighed. "I would expect nothing less." 

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