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Warning: All files on students attending Jade Preparatory Academy are classified. For Her Imperial Majesty Queen Wasp's Eyes only. Unpermitted viewing punishable by maiming, dismemberment, impaling, and death, in that order. 

All information gathered via reports from former and current schools. 

Peril Cinder:

Age: fifteen

Address: 521 Devastation Street

Race: Zerua

Weapon(s): necklace that allows her to control fire

Immediate Family: Kestrel Peregrine (mother), Soar Cinder (father), Sky Cinder (twin brother, deceased), Scarlet Cinder (stepmother), Ruby Lava (stepsister), Tourmaline Lava (stepsister), Hawk Lava (stepbrother), Vermilion Lava (stepbrother)

Extended Family: Cliff Lava (step-nephew)

Ancestry: mother (Kestrel Peregrine) professor of Physical Education and Self Defense at Jade Preparatory Academy, stepfamily from long line of Zerua nobles, stepmother (Scarlet Cinder) current head of Zerua Weaponry Monitoring

Eyes: brownish green

Hair: bright, blood red

Skin: medium

Pet(s): None

Favorite Subject: Physical Education

Favorite Hobby: fire dancing

Likes: Clay Landslide, fire, picking fights, fighting

Dislikes: her stepmother (Scarlet Cinder), school, peace, rain, being friendly/friendliness

Conditions of Acceptance: stepfamily's connections, mother's job, extremely rare Weapon

Grade: ten

Winglet: Jade

Class: 10F

Classmates: Tsunami Hurricane, Fierceteeth Galaxy, Rattlesnake Sidewinder, Deathbringer Moonslayer, Coconut Marmoset, Liana Marmoset, Swordtail Dusk, Strongwings Foresight, Jambu Paradise

Room: Jade 10G

Roommates: Tsunami Hurricane, Glory Paradise, Luna Glimmer, Sunny Roadrunner, Fatespeaker Moonslayer

Moonwatcher Clearmoon:

Age: fourteen

Address: 669 Nebula Lane

Race: Noctu

Weapon(s): necklace that lets her read minds, ring that gives her occasional visions of the future

Immediate Family: Secretkeeper Clearmoon (mother), Morrowseer Clearmoon (father, deceased)

Extended Family: Quickstrike Moonslayer (aunt, deceased), Shadowhunter Moonslayer (uncle, deceased), Fatespeaker Moonslayer (cousin), Deathbringer Moonslayer (cousin)

Ancestry: father (Morrowseer Clearmoon) convicted criminal, aunt (Quickstrike Moonslayer) former celebrated assassin in Her Imperial Majesty Queen Wasp's intelligence force

Eyes: silver

Hair: black

Skin: pale

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