Chapter Two: Kinkajou Paradise

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"There you are!"

Kinkajou Paradise raced across the grass and tackled her sister with a hug. "Fatespeaker said you'd gotten test fever!"

"Did she?" Glory answered distractedly.

Kinkajou grinned, poking her nose. "Come on, Glor. Cheer up! Have fun! And you, Starflight, are not allowed to study for a test you've already taken!"

Starflight frowned. "But - "

Kinkajou groaned. Honestly, most of the time Starflight was so incredibly annoying. "No! You're at a party, my party, and you have to socialize, and have fun."

"Studying is fun!"

Kinkajou rolled her eyes, ignoring Glory's snort of amusement. "Maybe for you it is, but for the rest of us, it's not!"

"Yeah, come hang out in the real world for once," Glory added. "Instead of disappearing into your books."

Starflight scowled. "Fine. I'm going to go talk to Sunny and Qibli." He motioned to a blonde Manal-Noctu girl at a table nearby joking around with her adoptive Manal brother.

"Poor Starflight," Kinkajou said.

"Definitely poor Starflight," Glory agreed.

"Yep," Tsunami said as she came up from next to them, along with her brother, green-haired Turtle. "Poor Starflight. Is he staying over tonight?"

Kinkajou nodded excitedly. "Everyone is, and Grandeur said we could use the pool as much as we want!"

Tsunami grinned. "Prepare to get splashed!" 

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