Chapter Thirty-Four: Luna Glimmer

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Luna Glimmer's next class was her favorite. She skipped down the hallway, ahead of Glory.

"You're excited," her friend noted. 

"I know," Luna said, grinning at Glory. "History is my favorite." 

"Even though it's taught by Cadelle?" Glory asked. 

Luna nodded. "She's the worst, but at least we don't have Webs. She's actually a good teacher, if not a very good parent, based on what I've heard from Cricket." 

Glory sighed. "I still don't like her. But at this point, I don't like any of my teachers." 

"That's fair," Luna agreed. "They are all pretty awful." The two girls turned the corner and headed down the hallway to their class. 

Starflight rolled his eyes when he saw them. "You were almost late," he said. 

"But we weren't," Luna felt the need to point out. 

He sighed. "But if you had been -"

"We would have gotten in trouble," Glory interrupted. "Being late isn't the end of the world, Starflight." She and Luna exchanged a smile as they took their seats. 

He sighed. "If it affects your grade -"

"Oh, my moons, Starflight!" Glory snapped. "Then it affects your grade. And we weren't late, so this conversation doesn't even matter. Save your lecture for Tsunami; she actually needs it." 

"So," Cadelle hissed, stalking out from a storage closet behind her desk like she was a singer coming out from backstage for the first time at a show. She had clearly planned this entrance. Luna had to stop herself from laughing at the stupidity of it. "Welcome to history." She paused, clearly expecting a response. There wasn't one. She continued. "This year we are studying ancient history, using an efficient monarchy-approved curriculum." 

Luna and Glory looked at each other. Chances were, "an efficient monarchy-approved curriculum" meant it would leave out important historical events. Particularly about Reshams and Uas. 

"Pay attention," Cadelle snapped. "You two, in the front row." 

"Us?" Luna asked incredulously. "We are paying attention!" 

"No, you're not. You were looking at each other." She said the word looking like it was a federal crime. 

"They were looking at each other too!" Glory exclaimed, pointing to Crystal and Snowfall, two Glacees who had indeed been looking at each other. 

"You were looking at each other more," Cadelle said. "And I would appreciate it if you would stop looking at each other so I can get on with the lesson." She considered, then said. "Actually, detention for both of you. See me after school." 

"Why?" Glory demanded. "We didn't do anything wrong." 

"Oh, but you did," Cadelle said. She was really reminding Luna of Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter. She hoped the history teacher didn't have Umbridge's enchanted quills. "You ignored me. And you talked back." 

 Luna glanced at Starflight, who was looking at his desk like it held the keys to the universe. She wished he would say something; as a Noctu, he might be able to get the teacher to listen. 

But he didn't say a word. 

Glory, however, did. "You call that talking back? Well, I can do better than that. I think you need to learn your priorities. Was it rude of us to exchanged looks across the classroom? You could argue. But is it worth detention? Not really." 

Cadelle stared at her, and for a moment, Luna thought the Kypseli might hit her friend. But she only said, "Detention for the rest of the week, then. If you miss one, you'll get double." 

Glory sat back in her chair. "Fine."

Snowfall gave Luna a smug look and tossed her hair over her shoulder in the most obnoxious way possible. 

Luna felt her hands curl into fists. This was clearly classism. Cadelle, the obnoxious Kypseli, had pointed out the Ua and Resham doing something wrong (something that wasn't even that wrong but clearly an excuse to get them in trouble), but not the Glacees. 

Typical, but Luna still hated it. She wanted to punch the lights out of her teacher. She knew Glory would help her. But she also knew it would only get her in more trouble. 

This was a long game. 

If she wanted change, she had to play it like it was one. 

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