Chapter Forty-Two: Willow Maple

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A/N: Yay!! Second round of perspectives is over!

Soooo, starting with next chapter, I'm going to start releasing chapters every two weeks instead of every one week. This is because there are other stories that are my priority, and don't want to keep writing one chapter per week for this story. I'm sorry, but I promise this story isn't being discontinued.

- apandask8r

Willow was Sundew-level annoyed.

Why was she Sundew-level annoyed when she was usually the calm one of the two of them? Because her "friends" had been spying on a conversation that they knew was private.


As in, no one else should be listening to the conversation private.

Willow glared at Peril, then at Tsunami, then at Fatespeaker, and then at Glory. Then she felt a little bit guilty for glaring at Glory since she was sitting on the couch holding a tissue up to her nose. The door had hit her in the nose, which was now bleeding.

"What do you have to say for yourselves?" Willow was surprised by the venom in her voice. Maybe she'd been spending too much time with Sundew. Then again, too much time with Sundew? That was impossible.

"We . . . were curious?" Fatespeaker hedged. "Although, I bet I could have foreseen it." She wrinkled her nose and said to Glory, "Sorry I didn't foresee him hitting you with the door."

Glory rolled her eyes. Willow wanted to too. Fate and her visions.

"An actual answer this time?" Sundew asked harshly.

"We were curious!" Peril insisted. "That was an actual answer!"

Willow decided it was best to let it go. She took control of the conversation before Sundew could say anything else. "What did you hear?"

"Nothing," Tsunami said grumpily. "They kept talking." She glared at Peril, Fatespeaker, and Glory.

"Actually, the talking was mainly you," Glory informed her, replacing her blood-soaked tissue with another.

Tsunami rolled her eyes. "Nonsense."

Glory let it go, which was probably good. Otherwise, the argument would last all night.

"What did we say?" Sundew asked. "Like, exactly."

Peril slouched in her chair. "Nothing, really. I mean, I heard stuff about Cricket and notes, but I didn't hear your explanation of the problem, so it didn't really make much sense."

Willow relaxed. That was good. She, Sundew, and Cricket really didn't want to involve the whole group until they had too.

"I heard," Tsunami started imperiously, "that I am apparently 'irrational'. Supposedly, I am more irrational than Glory." She glared at Sunny, who ducked her head.

Glory gave a very loud, very Glory-like sigh. "Well, it's true. You are irrational."

Tsunami opened her mouth to argue but was cut off with a glare from Sunny.

A glare from Sunny.

Willow took a moment to laugh at the absurdity of that. Then, Sunny could be pretty intimidating when she wanted to be.

"Let's all go to bed and discuss this in the morning," Starflight suggested.

"Oh, but don't you have your oh-so-important schoolwork?" Sundew asked tauntingly.

Starflight winced. "I meant after that. Besides, I'm almost done."

"Almost done?" the rest of the room repeated in shock.

"How?" Riptide asked, voicing the question they were all surely thinking.

"Well, for one I didn't take a two-hour break to go swim," Starflight said testily. "But I'm also a very efficient worker."

"Well, the rest of us can't go to sleep yet," Sunny pointed out. "And I agree with Starflight that homework should come first. So, all of you go back to your work."

"Yes, Mother," Tsunami grumbled.

Sunny rolled her eyes. "And I think this conversation should be suspended." She turned to Willow and Sundew. "Will you two come here tomorrow morning? With Cricket and my brother?"

Willow nodded. "Yup. If someone can get him to get out of bed early enough."

Sunny laughed. "Yeah, he's lazy. Good luck. I'll send him a text if I remember."

"So basically, you're kicking us out?" Sundew asked in a tone Willow thought was rather harsh.

"Yep," Sunny said, smiling as she escorted them toward the door. "Be back tomorrow morning."

"We will," Willow promised, leading Sundew out the door. "Good luck on finishing your homework, guys!" she called into the dorm.

"You too," Sunny said right as the door closed.

"So, back to homework," Sundew grumbled. "I was kind of hoping it would take longer."

"Me too," Willow admitted. "But we'd better get going."

Willow practically dragged her feet up the steps and down the hallways to her grade's dorm. The long, boring night was far from over.

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