Chapter Thirty: Starflight Galaxy

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As soon as Kestrel dismissed them, Starflight Galaxy, Glory Paradise, and Luna Glimmer left the classroom and headed to their first actual class, Language Arts with Professor Whirlpool Loggerhead. Tsunami's stepfather was pacing the front of the room, and he barked, "You're late," at Glory and Luna - but not Starflight - when they walked in. Starflight tensed, and though Glory tried to hide it, he could tell she was annoyed. Another example of classism at JPA. 

"We're not late," Luna informed him defiantly, not even trying to hide her annoyance. "This period doesn't start for another minute." 

Whirlpool ground his teeth together, loudly enough to be heard around the room. "You'll watch your tongue, young lady." 

"I notice you didn't tell Starflight he was late," Luna snapped. "Only me and Glory. And you're not even a Kypseli. I expected better from you. Actually, no I didn't. Tsunami told me what to expect." She huffed, turned on her heal, and sat down. Starflight and Glory followed, though without the huffing. 

"That's detention for you, miss," Whirlpool snapped. "See me after school today. And you too," he added to Glory. But again, he didn't give Starflight detention. 

"Whatever." Luna slammed her book on her desk and flipped through the pages, nearly tearing one. 

"Since our last students have been so kind as to grace us with their presence," Whirlpool said, giving Luna and Glory significant looks, "we shall get started. I am Whirlpool Loggerhead."

Wow. Starflight wasn't surprised at Whirlpool, only a little disgusted. He knew that most Kypselis, Glacees, and Noctus were jerks, but Segaras too? What was next? Would Foglias start being rude to Uas and Reshams? It seemed likely, if a little ridiculous. 

"Most of you know me from last year," Whirlpool continued. "If you do, then you know that you will address me as 'Professor'. I have a zero-tolerance policy for late work. If an assignment is late - I don't care if you told me ahead of time or if you're sick - you will get a zero on it. This is literally a zero-tolerance policy." 

Starflight listened intently to the rest of the speech. It was mostly reminders about how this was the highest-level class and to maintain your place in Class A you would need to work hard and literally get A's, but Starflight was able to glean two useful pieces of information: This class would be harder than it was last year, and there would be some changes to Whirlpool's style of teaching. The first one was unsurprising (When was the next grade not harder than the previous?), but the second one surprised Starflight. Whirlpool didn't seem like the type to change something that worked. 

Whirlpool then launched into the first lesson. It was mostly review, and Starflight had to take notes so he wouldn't fall asleep. He could tell that Glory and Luna were mostly tuning the lesson out. But then Whirlpool started to talk about the assignment, and Starflight was more than a little horrified. 

"Your assignment is this: Read pages 1-37 of Language Arts: Advanced by Honeycomb Honeybee. Then read the first part of Beowulf and write a summary of the part you read, and a prediction of what you think is coming next. Use what you learned about writing in Language Arts: Advanced to assist you in your writing. You may collaborate, but you may not use the internet or any other sources aside from Beowulf and Language Arts: Advanced. This reading and the writing assignments are due tomorrow at the beginning of class." 

That was . . . a lot of work. And Starflight wasn't afraid of work. In fact, he rather liked work. But to read a third of Beowulf in one day - plus thirty-seven pages of a textbook - and then write a summary and a prediction? He could do this easily if he had no other classes. But Starflight assumed that the other classes would give them workloads like this too, in which case he would have no time to relax and in order to complete everything - and complete it well at that. He might even have to stay up exceptionally late. 

Whirlpool dismissed them a minute later, and Glory, Luna, and Starflight began to gather up their stuff. 

"I'm sorry about him," a Foglia said to Luna and Glory. "He's always like this, you know." 

"Unfortunately, we definitely know," Glory grumbled. "He's my friend's stepfather." 

"Oh, too bad," the Foglia said. "I know you three from last year, don't I?" 

"Yeah," Luna said. "You're Sundew's friend, aren't you? Cobra Lily?" 

"Yep, that's me. And you're Luna, Glory, and Starflight, correct?" 

"That's us," Starflight agreed. The four of them left the classroom. "We have math next, right?" 

"Yep," Luna said when she checked her schedule. "With Caterpillar Termite. Definitely what we need, another Kypseli." 

"We don't have it as bad as Cricket, though," Glory reminded her. "Caterpillar and Cadelle are her grandparents." 

"But she's still a Kypseli," Luna grumbled. "So at least she has it easier than us. You know Caterpillar and Cadelle won't be outwardly rude to her. Only us." She sighed. "Is it easier for you?" she asked Cobra Lily. "Because Foglias are Four?" 

"Not really," Cobra Lily said. "I think it only gets better once you're Three, and then you still have Noctus, Glacees, and Kypselis being rude to you. No offense," she added quickly to Starflight. 

"It's fine. You're right; that's certainly what I've seen," Starflight agreed. "But no one is rude when you're Two. Not even Kypselis." 

All three girls gave him a look, and Starflight wondered if he'd said something wrong. He didn't have time to ask, though, because they'd reached their next class. 

"Detention for all of you," Caterpillar Termite snapped when they walked in. "You're late." 

"We weren't late!" Glory, Luna, and Cobra Lily all said in unison. 

"We're early," Cobra Lily said. "Two minutes early." 

"Well, the rest of your class is already here, so that counts as late in my book," Caterpillar said. 

"But - " Luna started. 

"No buts." 

"But - " This time it was Glory, but she was shut down just as quickly. 

"It seems the Noctu is the only one with any sense. At least he knows not to argue. And for that, I'll excuse you from your detention, just this once." Caterpillar smiled at Starflight, but he couldn't bring himself to smile back. Yes, Glory, Luna, and Cobra Lily had argued. But somehow, Starflight didn't think that if their roles were reversed, Glory, Luna, or Cobra Lily would have been excused from detention. 

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