LXIV. Roses, Lions & Dragons

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"I never said I did not consider myself beautiful" she corrected, making the young rose to blush once she realized that her companion was far sharper than she expected. However, because she did not wish to ruin her chance of befriending the young rose, the Dragoness changed the subject. "I heard of what took place today during your return from the Sept" she started, a small smile forming on her rosy lips. "You took the initiative to enter an orphanage and get to know the children and the women there"

The younger girl blushed faintly. "I thought it was only the right thing to do so. I know the war has affected all of the Houses and it is always the common folk that suffer the most. I wished to know first-hand so I know how I can help them once I become Queen" she explained, her words making her sound like a true saint.

There was this small momentary change in Visenya's amber eyes, one that Margaery could not truly understand. There was no judgement or suspicion in them but neither was full comfort and assurance.

"A queen that doesn't know her people can never truly rule them," she said, grabbing a grape and gently chewing on it. "It was a wise but risky choice" she continued, making Margaery play with the hem of her dress. Visenya smirked. "However, I have come to know that all wise and good choices tend often to be the riskier ones"

This made the young rose smile, hearing the faint praise and pride in her words; being offered in the Dragoness' way. It made her feel more confident around her, and a little bit less careful of her posture and her words.

"Thank you for your words, My Lady. I was afraid I might have angered her Grace with my...spontaneous decision"

Visenya took another grape and waved her hand dismissively. "You should not truly bother with her. Cersei has a gap between her and the people, as do more nobles and royals in the Red Keep" she started, earning the full attention of the younger girl. "A Queen is known to take initiative when she has to. If she doesn't, then she is nothing more than a trophy wife meant to look pretty and is not worthy of carrying a title such as that"

There was this personal experience behind the words of the Dragoness, something she had seen first-hand. Her Grandmother and her mother both had been powerful figures, who worked with their husbands or even took control over certain issues, especially when both were considered Queens.

Her sister Rhaella, on the other hand, was too timid and broken by Aerys to ever truly be given a chance to shine. Considering the temper of her husband as the years passed, it was a miracle the Queen had any power to show her face and talk.

It was why Visenya had been so tough when she was presented with suitors, for she refused to become a trophy wife to some Lord. Tywin had been mildly controlling in certain things but he had respected her decisions and often let her take control over certain subjects and incidents that would take place. It was why their marriage had been successful and why the Dragoness had not 'wilted' away as many would have expected her, after marrying such a cruel and strict man like the Lion of Casterly Rock.

Her words seemed to have drawn the full interest of Margaery, who had been listening in silence and was hanging from the woman's every word. The teenager clearly had not heard any other woman speak with such confidence on the subject, criticising Kings and Queens as if they were nothing but everyday people.

In the end, a small smile formed on her lips. "You remind me of my Grandmother a lot, my lady. She had a similar way of thinking, especially when it came to marriages and ruling"

At the mention of the older woman, Visenya focused on the new subject. "Lady Olenna," she said out loud. "The Famous Queen of Thorns"

This made the teenager chuckle. "She is rather proud of that nickname but I guess all powerful women eventually get one. You have plenty from what I have been told"

The Shadow Queen of Tywin LannisterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz