Six years after the accident

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- Rory, hurry up !
- Where are we going, mommy ?
- At Palmer's workshop, come on !
- I'm only five years old ! I'm not cut out for adult things.
- It's for a special day !

I drag her outside.

- I don't want to walk !

I huff in displeasure.

- Get on my back, we'll go faster.
- Shall we see Daddy ?
- He is down there.

She climbs on my back and the long walk begins.


- Mi angelita, we arrived. Hurry up, dad is waiting for you.

She jumps up and goes into the store happily. I enter too. Palmer comes to greet me.

- So, your daughter is crazy about your husband.
- Do not talk to me about it.

Noah appears with an overjoyed Aurora on his back.

- I missed you ! he says putting our daughter down to kiss me.
- Yuck ! she says, making a face.

He kisses me again.

- It's disgusting !

We laughs.

- Your love is so precious. Palmer says.
- How long have you been so romantic ?
- Since I saw you happy.
- It's rare, right ?
- Right. for too long...
- Is it true that you lived in the kingdom of chocolate ? Aurore asks.
- And french fries ! answers Palmer.

Aurore's eyes are filled with stars.

- Wow ! It's amazing ! she yells.
- It's cool, right ?

My smile widens when I see her as happy as I am to talk about a country where she studied.

- Okay, go home ! she says as she gave Noah his suitcase.
- You're throwing us out, Lau-
- Yes, come on ! I say.
- Bye, auntie !
- Bye, Rory !

We go back to home. Aurore climbs on Noah's back.


- Okay, Freckle, we'll let mom wake up peacefully.

I hug Aurore and she leaves, taking Noah's hand.

I let my head fall back against the pillow. With sleepy eyes, I look out the window at the countryside. A ray of sunlight comes to blind me. I get up and go to Aurore's room to make her bed as usual. I go towards the kitchen but stop when I hear Aurore's laugh.

- Do you think she will like our waffles ? she says not confidently.
- Are you saying that mom won't like our waffles ? It's not fair because if she doesn't like it, we leave without her because we will be upset.
- I didn't understand. she answers confused.
- I myself got lost in my sentence.

I go into the kitchen grabbing a waffle.

But damn, it's delicious !

- Who made this wonder ?
- Dad ! Aurore responds directly.
- What a liar, she made them. laughs Noah.
- Is it true ? I ask.
- Yes but-
- You are very talented. I cut her so she doesn't denigrate herself.
- Really ? So you love them ?
- Of course I love them, they were made by the loves of my life.
- Be careful, you speak like a parent. Noah whispers to me.
- What about you ? I say, elbowing him in the ribs.

He laughs sarcastically.


- Mommy, tell me a story. Aurore asks in an overexcited voice.
- It's your father's talent.
- But he's at Palmer's...
- Okay.

I think a little and then tell.

- Once upon a time in a distant kingdom, where fairies were our friends and flew without fear.
- Why were they afraid ?
- I don't know why either. Maybe we're not that nice ?
- It's okay, you can continue !
- At your command, your majesty. I laugh. In this world of magic, people were crazy.
- For what ?
- If you cut me off every time, you won't know.

She clasps her hands to her mouth, laughing.

- So I said that people were crazy about this magic. They used it all the time and for anything. One of the great wizards of the kingdom saw the fairies and magic fleeing to other kingdoms. It was out of the question for him that people would be sad so he created fake magic when no real magic existed anymore. The music...
- But the music sucks !

I get up and take a vinyl. I start the machine and classical music fills the room.

- He created during a night of reflection. When all his thoughts flew without trajectory. The blank sheet. He lives under his fireplace, his reserve of wood for the start of spring. He took some threads and hollowed out the wood. That night, he created a little piano that the fairies could use.

- And the fairies came back ?

- He had a fairy secretary who loved him very much. He asked her to play and she accepted. As soon as the first note of the piano came out, objects started flying all over the room. The birds arrived and lent their songs to the note. The fairies listened and were enchanted. They then created a grand piano. When the false magic disappeared, everyone became sad but the fairies were already bringing the grand piano to the wizard. And thus classical music was created.

- And the other instruments ? she says half asleep.
- It was when false magic became real magic that we still listen to it now. Good night, Rory.

I tuck her in and go out without a sound, turning off the record player.

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Happy Holidays from Europe.

It's always so funny to see people's faces when they receive gifts they don't like. Hahaha !

I hope the fairy tale didn't bother you too much...

Don't worry about the holidays, it will have chapters !

I forgot to say that I made a mini modification at Aurore's discretion but I will make another one soon.

Goodbye and Happy Holidays !

X-mas, 2023

My guardian angel, the prequel of The world elsewhereWhere stories live. Discover now