Jessica seen by Eden

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I looked her. Jessy, she was so focused during this boring class. She often notice me but for her mother, she was two thousand percent away. I sent her a ball of paper which she sent back to me, without forgetting to give me a middle finger.

- I love you, Jensen. I laughed.
- Fuck you, Diallo. she answered me.
- Too much love !
- I'm going to puke.
- What perfection, ladies and gentlemen !
- Mister Diallo, be quiet ! Teacher said.
- Shut up too ! she defended me.
- It's fine, Jessy.
- Go to the principal, you two.
- FUCK OFF ! I'm not going anywhere and I'm not going to leave for your face !
- Principal NOW !
- His wife refusing to fuck with you, sir ? said Sara, my childhood friend.
- You too !
- What an honor, sir. I'm so flattered, gent who can't fuck his wife !

Sara and Jessy carried me away from class.

- Asshole, this Mr. Panneton. Sara said laughing.
- It's your fucking dad ! I said.
- Ooh Sara, you're a bitch. Jessy laughed.
- I know, sweetheart. she said, pulling a cigarette from her pack. Eden, you lack humor.
- It's yours that's messed up.
- long have you not had sex ?
- What does my sex life have to do with the situation you screwed up with your dad !
- My dad doesn't care because he doesn't have fucking custody of me. she said, turning it on.
- Okay, you two, calm down. Jessy said, pushing us aside.

Sara left without looking back, giving us a middle finger.

- It's okay, let me go. I said pushing her away.
- I just wanted to help you...
- I don't need your help. I said leaving.

She rarely screamed but at that moment it was very understandable.

- You do not understand anything.
- Explain to me, then !
- If it were that easy, I would have told you, don't you think ?
- Okay, you're becoming horrible cause of Emily.
- What are you talking about ? Just because you don't like her, you think she's turning me into a horrible person ! You got a fucking problem, chick !
- She's the problem !
- You're jealous ?
- That this girl ? Are you serious ?
- I have my answer. I said leaving her.

Jessica Jensen... I never know how I really see her... She is her, I tell you. Always upright but ready to pounce on the first person who dares to be unpleasant with the members she considers family. She is very beautiful, I must admit, but her temper makes her so ugly when you don't know her. She has curly blonde hair but she hates it because she thinks she looks too much like a doll. I can't say the opposite. I promised her that the next time she cuts my hair, I will dye her hair brown.

𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘩, 𝘮𝘮𝘩 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺... 𝘚𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

She is like that. Always question yourself when necessary.

- Just to know, why are you asking me about her ?
- I am journalist. this stranger woman told me.
- Okay...

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I am journalist. (Lmao)

No matter what this cover is !

My guardian angel, the prequel of The world elsewhereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat