Week twenty-five : to January 7 to January 13

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I look up to the sky. Today the house is silent. Today I have to leave for the city. I haven't been there since the first week.

The world has become too dangerous for a little girl, actually for a child at all.

A noise brings me back to reality. I go outside and watch Noah play with Aurore.

- Okay, let's go out now. he say placing a kiss on her forehead.

The baby's laughter is the only trace of humanity. We're just humans, me and Noah.

- Look, mom is here.
- You take care of a baby so well. I laugh.
- I love the stay-at-home dad life, dear.
- Please excuse me, sir.
- What does nature think ? Oh that's a definite no.
- What a child.
- A hindrance to Aurore ! he say falsely shocked.

That's why I fell in love with him.

- Miss, excuse my arrogance. I say taking Aurore from Noah's arms.
- Is judgment beginning to die ?
- Patriarchy indeed but I don't want to upset you.
- The only thing that upset me is gone. Well, rather eat from nature now.
- Shh, her poor ears !
- She's sleeping, Firefly.

Noah's POV :

I know her, it isn't dangerous for her.

- Are you leaving today ?
- Don't worry, I'm strong. she laughs.
- What self-centeredness.
- You know me so well. she say, placing a kiss on my cheek before going inside and getting ready.

Be careful, Firefly.

I put Aurore in her cradle. She smiles at me. Stella and Raven get closer.

- It's been a long time since you two disappeared. Where are you going like this ?

Animals are not picky in love compared to us humans.

- So, ladies ?

The two cats land on the window sill and cuddle.

- Be like those two, sweetheart.

I walk out of the bedroom and look out the kitchen window, the queen of my heart risking her life. She turns around and smiles at me before disappearing into the forest.

The day we met was so unexpected.

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- No but seriously, she is carefree. Stupid.

I felt the need to watch over her but not to protect her.

- Tuesday was an accident. An accident that could have been avoided. What do you think, Raven ?

My red cat looked me, perplexed.

- Great, thanks, Raven. I blew. Why did I call you Raven ? You're not black and you don't look like a crow. Sorry, tiredness.

Raven in my bag dived back into it as if she wasn't interested.

- You're so kind. I ironized.

I stopped when I heard her. Hidden subsequently from the forest.

- What is she doing there ? I whispered for no reason.

- What are you doing here ? John said.
- I'm here to kill you. she laughed.
- Damn, you're weird. he said with a terrified look.
- Welcome to madness, dearest. she smiled.

I fell under her spell so easily. It wasn't my style to do that.

- Who is she ? I said.

I don't have time to see John fall to the ground and a pool of blood flow out from under him. She looked disgusted.

I arched my bow and shot an arrow to attract her attention. It planted itself in a tree. This girl immediately got angry.

- Who is the bastard who dared to harm a tree ?


- Are they important to you ? I said.
- More than humans. Come on show yourself !

I showed myself with a nonchalant step towards her. I looked at John and his personality came back to me. He disgusted me.

- Don't you think it's like we're in Hungers Games ? I said to make the situation less awkward.
- You are a sociopath. she said without even trying to get to know me.

She certainly didn't have time.

- She said when she just killed someone in cold blood. I said falsely offended.
- To help others. Now no one is going to piss off with this route. She said coldly without even looking at me.

A real bitch. Perfect... I have a knack for choosing the toxic, I will end up believing.

- Are we really talking in front of a dead body ? I continued to get to know her better.

There's no point in talking to her.
If my mother saw me, she would say to me : You were raised as a gentleman, do me honor.
I'm doing it for you, mom, but I don't like it.

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I looked at the lake before my eyes, I didn't know it. I see his damn house. I had to be nice to her. Because I believed that deep down she was. I'm not wrong about that.

Let's go, don't get spotted by her !

Not even three minutes later, she left her house and her look told me very clearly : What are you doing here ?

Shit, I'm naked and she's here. I'm bashful, me ! I should have gone to get a swimsuit downtown. Enjoy swimming as if nothing had happened. You didn't see her ! Shit, she's looking at me. Act like she's not there ! Why did I smile ?! She'll know. She burned you, go see her, Raven can survive without me for a while.

- Were you looking for me ? I smiled.

Now, shut up, Noah !

- What do you want from me ? she said suspiciously.

She knows !

- You still came to me.

Why, I said that ! But damn, Noah, think before you speak.

- You are on my territory. she said neutrally.
- Two naked humans in a lake isn't the best idea, right ? I smiled.

Oh damn, the heavy one !

- I need to know.

I love you, young strange to ignore my heaviness when I'm anxious !

- Know what ?
- What do you want from me ?
- Nothing.
- You're playing prince charming.

Me, Prince Charming, it's the best.

I laughed.

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Sorry the chapter is longer than usual ! The next one is also from Noah's point of view.

Good day ! Bye !

My guardian angel, the prequel of The world elsewhereWhere stories live. Discover now