Week forty-nine : to June 24 to June 30

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𝓐 𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻... 𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓮 24

The sun illuminates everything in its path on this pure summer day. I went out with Aurore for the first time in a long time. She fell asleep. Noah smiles at me.

- It's been almost a year since we met. he says.
- A year. It goes by so quickly.


Aurore moves a little against my skin which takes me back to December. Six months. She is six months old.

- Almost a year. he murmurs.

His brown eyes show me all the love he has for me.

- If the world before still existed now, we would be told, she looks so much like you. Or all the chatter of young parents, It's way too early, right ? he says laughing.

I laugh. He's blushing.

- You're not fifteen anymore so now you talk like an adult.
- I am an adult. And you too now !
- Well. I'm just eighteen.
- Just ? You've been eighteen for five months now too.
- Yeah, January 23 and you ?
- July 16.
- So opposite ! I laugh.
- You were born in Winter like Aurore, and I am alone and born in Summer !
- Poor you. I gently laugh.
- Do not make fun of me. he says, pushing me gently.


Noah comes running.

- A center ?
- For future generations.
- Districts. I murmur.
- We're not in The Hunger Games. You miss so much of the joy of life sometimes.
- So for future generations, we have no right to it ?
- Yes, but it's more complicated than that. Aurore will be safe.
- She is with us. I say when it starts to annoy me.
- Sorry, I just wanted her to see people other than us.
- Maybe we should arrange for her to go to Europe.
- It's not a good idea, Jessy.
- Your shitty idea is to send her to a place that no one knows about.
- My basic idea was that she would meet people her own age when she was a little older.
- We'll disagree in all cases.
- You're right.

Aurore smiles at us.

- We'll ask her when she's older, as you say. She will choose. I say smiling at the baby.
- What a smart idea.
- Shut up.

He smiles proud of himself.

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Such great news. Are you sure ?

I made the characters on Pinterest so if you are interested here is my account : Alex_segers

kisses and take care of yourself !
Bye !

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