Week sixty : to September 2 to September 8

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Today I go to my old house and Eden's house. I don't know what I came to look for there but I think it's important to me.

I walk and stop when I see in the distance, the new city which is even more built than the last time.

- Shit.

I look at my combat gear.

- I have to find Palmer.

I search discreetly. Well, if you can call that discretion. Walk calmly in this jungle of bloodthirsty killers. One of them stops me.

- Well, you're alive, my darling.
- Hi, Lloyed. I say neutrally.
- It's only in your mouth that my name suits me so well, Jensen. he smiles.
- I don't have your time today, Lloyed. Your henchmen aren't there ?
- Still so funny.
- You know perfectly well that I walk alone.
- And maybe you need some company.
- You just want to see me dead so no thanks.
- You are dramatizing. he says, losing his smile.

I leave without saying anything when I see that we have passed Palmer's workshop. I go into the store but she sees me.

- Tu es vraiment nulle pour te cacher. (You're really bad at hiding.) she says, continuing to work.
- Bon..jour.
- You are improving in French. she laughs.
- It's crazy that you speak French.
- Want to know something crazier ? she smiles.
- Tell me.
- Your dress is ready.

She shows me the dress she was working on before I arrived.

- Do you want some tulsi herbal tea ?
- Tulsi ?
- It is a plant with Indian flowers that is used to relax and help purify your garden of weeds.
- Why not.

She gives me a cup and hangs a fake flower.

- What is it ?
- You're really uneducated. It's a white orchid. she laughs gently. She brings luck.
- We are not on the verge of death.
- You know yes. Here it looks like an arena. All our science fiction films come to life. It feels like The Hunger Games.
- I loved the films and the books.
- That's not the point, Jessy !
- Pardon....
- You take everything as a joke and it's not funny. You are so carefree.

I take the dress and she laughs.

- It's not funny.
- Go join your daughter and your man. They must be waiting for you.

I hug her before disappearing towards the countryside.

After two hours without seeing them, I admit that I missed them.

I'm coming back slowly. I hear Noah's cries of joy.

- Well done ! You succeeded ! Do you want to start again ?

Aurore looks at him laughing.

- Does that mean yes ?

She walks towards Raven on her own.

- How long have you been back ? Noah says to me as he stand up.
- Too few. I missed her first steps.
- You were there for that first word.
- I saw Palmer and she finished the dress.
- I can see ?
- Of course not !
- Mama. says Aurore, cutting us off at the start of our stupid argument.
- Hi, you. I say, taking her in my arms.

Noah takes the dress.

- Put it down !
- It is beautiful.

He finally puts it away.

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Next chapter, huge leap in time !

Palmer !!! I love her ! (She's my favorite character but it's a secret...)

Bye !

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