Week thirty-seven : Tuesday April 2

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- What are you doing- Noah begins.
- Hello, my name is Henry. I'm a friend of Jessica.

Seeing Henry and Noah at the same time, I realize that they almost look like twins.

- Hello, I'm Noah. Her boyfriend. Noah introduces himself.
- You've finally fallen in love, it's about time.

Cherry goes between Henry's legs.

- Hey, Cherry, stay out of the house. Henry says.
- But she grew up.

I get on my knees and Cherry rushes into me, super happy.

- I missed you too, princess. I said while caressing her.
- It's him. Noah says.
- Noah, don't get jealous of your lookalike.
- Eh ? Henry says.
- We don't even look alike. he keep on.
- Especially in personality, Noah. I smile.
- What are you talking about ? Firefly ? Henry says perplexed.
- I'm hallucinating, you call her that too.
- Okay, I just- Henry begins.

Aurore begins to cry heavily.

- Stay with your friend, I'll go. he said as he left, giving Henry a look.
- You're a mom. Henry says smiling.
- Yes, but it's complicated.
- Not even nine months.
- Her mother died of bleeding so I saved her and she is now a member of my family.
- Your boyfriend.
- He is her father. Not biologically but-
- I understand, Jessica.

The only time he called me Jessica was when we were arguing.

- Are you angry because it wasn't with you that I decided to make my life ?
- I didn't fall that low.
- You're just an idiot.
- And you love me just for that. he says, getting closer.

My body is still attracted to him.

- You're still so contradictory.
- Yes of course. I'm jealous of your dear Noah. He lives a perfect life with you.
- You're so stupid. I said, getting closer.
- I missed you, idiot.

My eyes do the triangle method.

- Your boyfriend lucky to have you. he said, smiling at me. I can enter ?

Oh my God ! I almost wanted to kiss him ! But what the fuck is my problem ?

- Make yourself at home. I smile.
- Thanks.

I'm the worst girlfriend ever. No, it's because he looks like Noah, that's you.

Make excuses, go ahead, Jessy.

- What's her name ? he says, taking me away from my thoughts.
- Sorry ? Repeat, please.
- What is your daughter's name ? It feels weird to say that.
- Aurore. I say seeing her laughing face.
- Like the name of the princess in French.
- Yes, Adam found it.
- Adam ?
- One of my friends. says Noah arriving with Aurore.
- She looks like you, Noah. Henry says, smiling at the child.
- It's true but she's not really my daughter.
- A child with a family means two loving parents and that's it. No need for family ties. Henry smiles.

Raven and Stella meet Cherry.

- You're right. I say happy with my life.

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I can't stop with the little chapters. Haha.

I'll see you next time !

(Finally, it's not raining anymore !)

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