Three months before the accident

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- WHAT ! Hike ! I wore a dress if you hadn't noticed ! I yelled.
- What, I should have told you : you walk in a big forest and you have a good chance of getting hurt. You're not serious, Jessy. Heather said. And in winter, a dress ?
- Not wrong actually. I laughed.
- Ah ! I was right ! said her jumping for joy.
- Please don't change.
- I intended to stay myself.

We boarded a bus heading south. Heather told me all kinds of things to make me forget that we were going to walk for hours in a dense forest. This is often how murder stories begin. A missing girl is found dead in the dense forest south of New York. I didn't even know New York had forests.

- This is our stop ! Heather said pulling me off the bus.

I looked around and other than some shops, I saw nothing.

- If that's what I think, it's worse than the forest.
- Holy shit...

It's getting worse and worse and if she tells me it's for me, I'll kill her.

- I can't wait to do your wardrobe, Jessy.

She is dead !

- You don't look very happy. You're giving me murderous looks there.
- I never loved you.
- Well !

She grabbed my hand and forcibly took me into the mall.

- It's the devil who created these things ! I said, struggling.
- Stop acting like a child, Jessy ! she sighed.
- Never ! I would never set foot in one of these stores.
- We'll go to the bookstore afterwards.
- Okay ! I smiled.
- You are so simple as a girl.

With a dark look, I followed her into the stores where she put piles of clothes in my arms.

- A little parade ?
- Do not even think about it.
- Come on !

With each outfit, I showed her without forgetting my disgust when it came to the moments with short outfits.

- It's soon the summer !
- I do not see the link. It's in six months.
- We'll take everything !
- I'm not as rich as you, Heather.
- It's for your late birthday.
- $80 for this dress !
- Oh it's not very expensive.
- The whole thing is over $500 !
- We'll take everything, ma'am !
- Very well, ladies. Said the saleswoman.

With seven hundred dollars worth of clothes, we went to my own paradise. Bookstore !

I bought books for $50 and she seemed shocked at the low prices. So she chose to buy me $300 worth of books. I had gone from three books to around twenty.

- I don't like it when you give me so many expensive things. I said her.
- It is a pleasure.
- Yes but I don't deserve them.
- Shut up and take it all !

An amazing girl but who thinks that money buys everything. We came home and under my mother's shocked gaze, I put everything away.

- You should invite Heather over more often.
- Heather is my friend and nothing else, Mom. She's just...a little too generous.
- To be generous, she is.
- It's not a bank, Mom.
- I never said that.
- You thought so.
- It's because thanks to her, you could have a better life than this one.
- But I love this life, Mom. I have everything I like here. I live with you and Eden is nearby. Angeles is surely here for the holidays. I am very proud of this life, Mom.
- I educated you well from what I understand. she laughed.
- Yes, Mom. Obviously you educated me well.


Henry looked at me. With a grin on his lips, he made fun of the situation.

- Doesn't it hurt too much ? he laughed.
- What a shitty idea, I tell you !
- I thought you loved climbing !
- I love hearing you say the opposite of what you think, Firefly.
- I hate you but you already know that, jester !
- You almost had it but my name is Henry, Firefly.
- Stop calling me that shitty name !
- It's the pain talking so I'll ignore it.
- My hand will not ignore this affront !
- What beautiful words. he blew.
- Do not even think about it !
- I hate nature !
- You love it, liar ! he laughed, letting himself fall into the void knowing he was held by the cable.
- You sick person ! I said, holding on to the rope as if my life depended on it.

It is the case but hey.

He had managed to get me to come with him for a day in the forest. Climbing trees, hills, mountains.

- How is your dog ? I asked.
- Cherry, she is fine.
- You're very lucky, Stella seems to hate me more and more every day.
- You do a lot, she adores you.
- This cat is overplaying.

He laughed. He looked at me and landed in front of me.

- You trust me ?

He grabbed my hips and looked into mine.

- Yes. I say as if hypnotized.
- Perfect. he smiled.

Without warning, he threw me aside and I found myself thrown into space but remained suspended by the safety rope.

- What a bad word, Firefly.
- I'm going to kill you !
- You didn't think it would have had anything else.
- You are just a smooth talker ! Now lift me up !

He didn't react at first, then he finally brought me back up. I pushed him aside and left without looking back.

- Oh excuse me, Jessy.
- Shut up, I'm not going to hear anything that comes out of your mouth ! I said turning around.
- I wasn't going to hurt you, I promise.
- Stop your fucking bullshit and let's finish this journey so you can take me home ! I shouted to him as I left.

We finished the trip and I jumped into the car as soon as I managed to remove the equipment.

- Excuse me really, I didn't mean to hurt you. Believe me, I'm not like that.
- Start that car and take me home.
- Jessica...
- Please, Henry. I said, sinking into the seat.
- Okay...

Finally arrived, I slammed the door curtain.

- Jessy, I'm sorry, okay. he said grabbing my arm.
- Let me go, Henry.
- I didn't mean to hurt you. It's not the fact that you...threw me into the void that's the problem.
- What is it then ?
- You used your charms to do this to me.
- Jessy... That was it. I'm sorry.
- I'm not like all those girls you... I have no reason to justify myself. Bye Henry.
- Is it the fact that I grabbed you by the hips ? You aren't serious ?
- YES ! I'm a girl and you're a boy, I thought... never mind, okay. I said as entered.

I collapsed on the sofa.

- Great, my crotch hurts now, thanks Henry.
- Oh, are you talking about sex ? said Eden as he sat down next to me.
- I would never sex with Henry, you idiot.

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It's been two hours since I could have posted the chapter except that I forgot (shame says good evening)

Goodbye >_<

My guardian angel, the prequel of The world elsewhereWhere stories live. Discover now