⋆꙳•❅*•Christmas •*❆ ₊⋆

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First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I hope you'll enjoy this oneshot :)

Littles : Maknae line
Caregivers : Hyun line
(Hyunlix, Minsung, Chanin, Changmin) 



"Lixie! Sungie!" Minho yelled as he heard a pair of giggles and then fast padded footsteps running away from him. "Where are you~!" He tried again and giggled when he saw a bugle underneath the thick blankets in the playroom.

All of the caregivers had placed a lot of blankets in the room since it was getting colder and ofcource because it was cozy and soft for their littles so play in. The littles were protected from the cold and hard ground this way, and could cuddle in the soft and thick material.

"I wonder where my sweeties are... hm~ Channie! Jinnie! Binnie!" He then yelled and saw the bulge moving a bit, followed by muffled giggles. "Wh- Ooh... where are little Lixie and Sungie?" Chan and Jinnie played along as then also Changbin entered the room with his little by his side.

"I wonder where my little love is... should I tell Santa he doesn't have to bring presents for Sungie and Lixie? We can't find them anyways..." Jinnie tried and then hopped towards the little and stood behind them until they gasped a little and jumped up.

"No Sana tell! Wixie an Sungie been gwood boy!" Felix yelled with a pout and his finger in the air until Hyunjin fastly picked him up and started tickling him.

"AaAaah! Tickwe!" He squealed out and tried to push the elder's hands away but only got placed on the thick blankets before getting attacked again.

"So here you are hm?" Minho said in the meantime to Jisung and picked him up to peck his little lips and act like he ate his hand.

"Should we go make some cookies for Santa?" Chan said and all the littles screamed a clear 'yes' before running out of the room. The caregivers fastly followed them and made sure they didn't fall off the stairs, which, yes, happened once.

"Okay! What do we need to make cookies?" Changbin asked and sat down next to Seungmin, who was busy talking to Jeongin.

"Flowels!" Jisung yelled excitedly and pointed his index finger in the air as Felix giggled and clapped his hands. "Flowers? Why are you gonna put flowers in the cookies sweetie?" Changbin chuckled and the sunshine twin looked confused at each other before looking back at Changbin.

Just then Hyunjin and Chan came and put all the ingredients on the table such as flour, eggs, milk, sugar and other things you need for cookies. [i have no idea what you need for cookies]

"See! Dis!" Jisung yelled with a frown and pout as he pointed towards the flour on the table, crossing his arms afterwards since he was 'mad'. He was sure he said the right thing, you do need flowers for cookies. Right?

"Sweetie that's flour, not flower as in a blossom hm?" Minho said and hovered over Jisung from behind the little's chair and pinched his soft and squishy cheeks before kissing his nose.

"And what is this?" Chan asked the littles and Felix immediately knew what it was, ofcource, the bakerboy knew all the recepies and ingredients for all kinds of sweets.

"Chuga!" He said and all the caregivers giggled, "Yes that's right! Good job little one." Hyunjin said and kissed his cheeks, making him giggle cutely.

"And what is this Innie?" Chan asked and held a bowl with salt in front of the little, "Alo Chuga!" He said proudly with his adorable smile and everyone laughed. "Do you wanna taste?" Chan said and jeongin nodded and put his finger in the bowl of salt and then in his mouth, immediately making a weird face.

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