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This chapter will turn into a book(I am currently prewriting it) so if you like to know what happens next, I will post an update whenever the story is totally ready :)

"Are you insane?! Crazy bastard shut up!" Hyunjin yelled loudly as then finally the noises from his neighbour stopped. He was about to throw some fists since it was 2 am and not the time to fuck with him right now. Especially not when he just moved, unpacked everything and had to wake up early to go to work.

And then there's a fucking cunt next to his room, doing whatever. Whatever those screams, heavy breaths or even thumping against the wall was, he was done with it.

"Sorry, it won't happen again." A deep yet soft voice said from the other side of the thin wall, probably sitting against it since it was so close.

"Yeah it better doesn't, are you insane? It's 2 am." Hyunjin said and scoffed, sinking deeper in the thick blankets and pillows he laid in his bed a few hours before that. "Are you alone?" Hyunjin then asked and heard nothing but silence, and then a deep sigh. "Y- Yea, but i'm gonna sleep, sorry for bothering." The voice fastly said like it was in a rush, anxious or even scared for it's life.

Hyunjin then heard some shuffles and something like tape getting ripped off of it's package, some mutters and then just nothing but silence again. What a crazy bastard...

He could then finally sleep without the noises coming from his neighbour, in goddamn peace.


Hyunjin woke up by his alarm with a loud groan, grabbing his phone aggresively and pushing the button, finally stopping the loud and annoying noise that was ringing trough his brain, making him annoyed and already in a bad mood before his day even started.

First thing to do was groceries, he had just moved in and mainly lived from ramen and pizza, so going to the store was defenitely something to do for today. Hyunjin roamed a bit trought the aisles of the supermarket, taking some fruit, veggies, random things he thought would be necessary and not to forget a fake little cactus plant, cuz some life in that dead appartement was really needed.

Next thing to do in his day was basically wait until he had to go to work, apparently he only had to go for one patient at 5pm so there was defenitely enough time for him to eat something hearty for lunch and maybe take a walk, even thought he was annoyed.

What idiot would choose to pick an appointement that late, there were a lot of places free in the afternoon and even in the morning yet that person chose to be a little off, and choose to go at 5 pm.

And not only that, normal people have a talk session from half an hour, sometimes 45 minutes and often just on hour. But not that off person, they had goddamn one and a half hour.

The secretary told Hyunjin it was some kid, basically not a kid because apparently he was 18, but still a kid in her eyes since he was a kid mentally, not actually that he thought he was 5, but he was not that strong in his head, he was soft and sweet, very polite and nothing like teenagers would be these years.

It was now almost time for Hyunjin to leave, he packed his bag with some pens, some notebooks and other basic therapy shit a therapist should need. He also took some 'games' with him, it were actually weirdass things therapist would use for their patients to get to know them and their mindset better, like 'what do you see first' if you saw a sad face first, they would treat you like a goddamn depressed person that only thinks about wanting to absolutely die, but if you saw a happy face first they treated you like some happy person that only sees sunshine and rainbows. Weird.

He was also told that the boy had another therapist before him, but that was some crazy-ah woman that made the patients uncomfortable, so they fired her. He didn't get any other patients other than that boy yet, but ofcource that would happen later on. First paperwork, files, surveys and other things so the actual head of the office could know if Hyunjin was a good therapist. Ofcource they could see his file and master degree, but that woman also had some awesome degree yet she was like... that.

Skz~OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang