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Request from _naomi_28  :D

Sorry if it isn't what you expected, I tried to make it fluffy and a little angst :]

Also, sorry for not posting any chapters, I scheduled them but apparently they just stayed in my drafts... Which is WEIRD...

Minho's pov

I quickly jumped in bed as I heard more and more hard raining droplets hit the window, the wind blowing the trees to the side, leaves flying everywhere and most of all. Thunder.

I absolutely hate thunder and storms, some people even like it. How can you like the sound of your appartement cracking, harsh rain and flashing things in the air. How?

I wish I was with Jisung right now but he had practise and ofcource as a member of 3RACHA he had to write and produce the music. He has been working slow lately so he needed to catch up to alot.

I heard the emty dorm creaking as I hid under my covers. This day couldn't get any worse could it?

Well thought wrong when loud thunder and lightning was again wakening the sky.

"Just be quick little squirrel..." I whispered and held my hands over my ears tightly, shutting my eyes close.

I tried to call him already, but he must be busy since it went to voicemail right away. I don't wanna disturb him... But I am so needy for his warm cuddles, his warm embrace and soft words that could calm me while that storm is going on.

I wish I could just fall asleep in Jisung's arms, laying on his big chest and feeling his little tummy go up and down beneath me is absolutely the best feeling.

But now the only thing I feel is a cold mattress that doesn't feel right. And no Jisungie.

Normally I would hear his calming words, his gently hands, his soft kisses on my body and his warm breath tickling my neck. But now I only hear loud thunder, my own harsh hands against my ears, a hard mattress under my body and cold air annoying my body.

"It's be alright... Jisungie will come... Just be quick..." I whispered to myself before a tear rolled down on the white pillow.

3th person pov

Jisung was just working, he recorded himself so many times but it wasn't good. He told himself he couldn't and wouldn't go home before he did everything absolutely perfect.

"I'll go home already alright? Don't overwork yourself Ji, you're doing it perfectly." Chan said and gave the younger a hug and then left the company's building.

"Alright..." Jisung muttered to himself and sighed,  again doing his work for the fifth time that evening.

After 4 long hours passed, it was already midnight. Jisung didn't feel like his work was good but decided to go home anyways since the squirrel almost fell asleep multiple times.

He took his bag, put everything it and then got his phone when he realized he forgot to charge it.

"Aish..." He muttered since he kept replaying the words in his head hours ago, 'get your charger, plug your phone in' but he didn't, he totally forgot being busy with all his work.

He then left the buidling and rushed home, all he wanted to do is get in a warm shower and cuddle with Minho.

"He must be so tired..." Jisung sighed out and got out of the emty train he had taken. He didn't have a drivers licence and ubers were way to expensive. Even with the money he made, it was absurt.

He then walked trough the pounding rain, getting startled by the lightning here and there but finally reaching his dorm after his long walk.

Jisung unlocked the door, got inside and kicked his shoes off. He was totally drenched.

He was so ready to take a warm bath until a loud thunder came from the sky and a whine was heard from Jisung's bedroom.

Then he realized, his heart broke as he ran towards his bedroom and opened the door, revieling a small figure under his blankets which seemed to tremble a bit.

"Baby..." He whispered and Minho started crying harder than he already was, in those 4 hours he cried and cried until his pillow was totally wet.

"I'm so sorry..." Jisung said and walked to the boy, lifting him up on his lap so he coud caress his back and shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Min... I didn't realize... I'm sorry." He said, slowly drawing shapes on the elder's back.

"Why- Why did y-you leave me?" Minho sobbed out and held Jisung's shirt tightly with his fists.

"I'm sorry Minnie... I really am. I totally forgot the time and didn't realize I was gone for this long... I forgot to charge my phone at the company so I couldn't text you on my way home. I'm really sorry Min..." 

"P-Please.. Don't leave m-me again Sungie... Please cuddle w-with me." Minho cried out and looked at the younger, who smiled and kissed his nose.

"Ofcource my sweet boy... Can I wash up first tho? I was planning to take a bath but i'll take a quick shower instead to cuddle alright?" Jisung said and Minho shook his head, hiding his face in the younger's neck.

"C-can I join you? In bath..." Minho said and Jisung smiled at that... He never wanted to hurt his baby or leave him, he was so focused on his work and scheduling that he didn't notice how bad the weather was and how scared his Min was from the loud thunder.

"ofcource, let's take a warm bath alright. Did you eat already? Please say you did..." Jisung said and the elder hid his face in the younger's neck even more.

"Ahw my love... Why didn't you eat? You could've asked Chan perhaps, i'm sure he would've made you something..." Jisung softly whispered and caressed Minho's cheek, wiping away the tears.

"I-I was scared to- to go downstairs... I didn't hear anyone... It was so dark and loud... I wanted my Sungie to hold me, but you weren't here... I'm sorry." Minho whispered as his voice cracked, on the verge of crying again.

"It's alright... Let's take a bath and then eat something alright? You can't go to bed with a hungry tummy..." Jisung said and carried the elder towards the bathroom.

They then got in the warm bath, Minho cried a bit when heavy thunders filled the sky again but atleast he was with his Sungie now... His cute squirrel would protect him no matter what, and he knew that.

"What do you wanna eat hm?" Jisung said while massaging the elder's scalp, drying his hair with a towel.

"You can choose..." Minho replied and looked up at Jisung, who giggled and smiled at the cuteness. "Should I just bake some eggs with some veggies?" The squirrel-like boy said and Minho nodded, closing his eyes as he relaxed in the warm touch of the younger.

"I love you Min."

"I love you too Sungie." Minho replied and pecked the younger's lips.



No cuz this is so short and I absolutely hated it-

If you want I can rewrite and publish another one cuz this is so terrible AND EXTREMELY SHORT

Sorry already :)

I'm js studying rn... exams r killing meeee


cyaa!! and to everyone who had exams or tests rn, Good luck my loves! You can do it! Don't you dare to give up and pleaseeeeee text me if you feel sad :)

I really wanna be able to comfort you guys :]

also if anyone has a real headspace... i would love to meet someone... I reallyyy wanna meet someone with a headspace :] like it looks so fun to actually take care of them...


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