Significant other; The puzzle in your heart.

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Welcome to the one-shot world of gl. Here we ship Yachi x Nao. Hope you enjoy it.



Hitoka reached out for her phone, which sat near the flower vase. She saw that the contact read 'Nao-chan'. She set her chips packet aside and cleared her throat. She picked it up and held it to her ear. "Hey, Nao-chan," She murmured. "Yachi-san! What are you doing right now? Are you busy?" Nao asked. "Uh, no. Just sitting at home alone, watching TV."

"'re alone at home Yachi-san?" Nao asked. "On Christmas that too?" she persuaded. "Yeah, my mom is at work," Hitoka said. "Then..can I ask you to go out with me tonight?" 

Hitoka's eyes widened, "Erm, what? What do you mean?" she asked. Nao hummed, "Uh, kind of like a hangout. Nothing serious... I'm kind of lonely at home right now too. My parents are still making the chicken and my brother is picking up his girlfriend, so I'm just sitting alone in my room," She said. 

Hitoka considered it and agreed, "Okay. Fine then," She said. "Okay! See you at your house at six!" Nao said and immediately cut the call. At six..that was only fifteen minutes away from now. "Shit!" Hitoka swore and jumped off her sofa, running to the bathroom to wash her face. She needs to get ready, and look better in 15 minutes STAT! 

She washed her face, dragged the comb across her thick blondes, and skimmed through a variety of outfits. Screw her mom being a fashion designer and not helping her out with her crush. Ultimately, she settled with a white gown that came up until her knees and blue jeggings below. She matched the outfit with a comfy brown jacket and some gloves. Hitoka wasn't one for big makeup but she still dabbed some powder on. 

By then, the doorbell rang, causing Hitoka to run directly at the door. She took the bag which hung on the coat hanger and opened the door. Hitoka took in a few deep breaths and so was Nao. "I ran, you too?" Nao asked chuckling. Hitoka nodded, she was never a fast runner unless she had some motivation. 

Nao held Hitoka's hand. "Yachi-san," she began. "Do you mind if I lead the way tonight?" she asked, with a grin on her face. Hitoka flushed, "N-Not at all," she murmured. Nao helped Hitoka put on her boots, and the two were on their way. 

Nao held Hitoka's hand all the way to the metro station. "Tonight, it's all on me. can do and buy whatever you want, okay?" Nao stated as she bought the train ticket for two. "Ah, that's not needed Nao-chan." Nao frowned. She didn't take no for an answer. "Senpai! That wasn't a question, it was a statement. It's Christmas, cheer up. Look at this crowd." 

Hitoka shivered looking at the people swarmed. "Claustrophobic?" Nao asked. Hitoka shook her head, "No...I just don't want to go through that," She murmured. "Just once? I only want you to get on this once, please?" Nao pleaded. Hitoka nodded and the two stood in the line. As they boarded the metro, the people were packed. Nao took Hitoka to the side of the doors that wouldn't open. Nao stood with her back against the walls and Hitoka held the railing. 

As the people started to fill in, the warnings of the doors closing began. "To people on board, please stay behind the yellow line and allow the doors to close." said the announcement. The people hurried inside and filled the train without a space for air. "Yachi-san, come closer," Nao said as she pulled her closer. To balance herself, Hitoka put her hand over Nao's head and pushed her against the door.

Hitoka's heart beat fast and made her breathing ragged. The look on Nao's face showed that she was just as surprised. Her face was flushed and the way how her glasses slid to exactly the bottom of her nose was super cute. "Uh..Senpai..can I ask you one thing?" Nao whispered into Hitoka's ear. "Yeah?" Hitoka murmured. "Can I change this hangout into a date?" Nao asked. Hitoka's ears turned red and Nao chuckled. "Is that a yes or no?"

No. No way.

Hitoka didn't want to get her own hopes up. But, this was probably the only time she could ever date the girl she liked, so.....

"Fine.." she murmured. Nao had a shocked face but relaxed and hugged Hitoka. 

The two went anywhere they could on a Christmas night, but with a budget, yes. They went to a clothing shop and bought outfits for each other, then proceeded to go to a mall and eat fast food(which is something Hitoka hadn't eaten in a while due to her mother discarding it), after a good meal they snuck into a Christmas party(Without an invite) and got kicked out, and finally, they were here, by the bridge after a sprint away from the guards by the party.

Hitoka gasped for breath and Nao found standing on her two feet hard. The two girls sat on a free bench, breathless from the sprint and sweaty. Nao took her glasses off due to a random fog on the glass. Hitoka chuckled, "How's snowing.." Nao's eyes widened and slipped her glasses back on. She grinned, "How lucky for me!"

Hitoka hummed. She looked bummed and tired, so Nao wanted to make it up to her. "Yachi-san, sorry I suggested we'd break in there," she said. "Aw, no it's fine. I'm just..really bad at running."

"Nao, what should we do now?" Hitoka asked. "Should we go home?"

"Nah, I don't wanna go home, it's so boring there, My bro's out with his girlfriend, and my parents are watching movies in their bedroom or dealing with the rut and shit. I can't be there." Hitoka chuckled at Nao's response, "Okay, fine, we'll be on this 'date' longer," she said. 

"Yachi-san," Nao started. "I'm not sure when it happened. But it did."

Hitoka turned her entire attention to Nao.

"Yachi-san...I like you! And you're about to graduate soon so I wanted to tell you!" She yelled, causing a lot of people to look her way.

"Nao-chan! B-be quiet," Hitoka mumbled, conscious about her surroundings. "No! Hitoka Yachi-san! I! Love! You!" Nao yelled, causing Hitoka to blush severely. "If you care about people's thoughts, tell me you're uncomfortable! Until then, I'll keep saying it! I love you!"

Hitoka shut Nao's mouth, but the force caused the two to fall on the soft snow. Nao mumbled under Hitoka's hand, she wasn't stopping. It was obvious she had no plan to. "Nao-chan! Shut up!" Nao's face spelled pure shock, that was something she wasn't expecting. "Because I don't care about what others's just..if you keep saying it, my heart's going to burst.." she mumbled, just loud enough for Nao to hear.

Hitoka put her head on Nao's shoulder, too flustered to see her face. 

"Hey...Yachi-san, does that mean...?" Nao murmured. Hitoka hummed, causing Nao's personality to wake up and she hugged Hitoka tightly. 

"Ah...Yachi-san~I love you!" Nao said one last time, but quieter this time. " too," Hitoka murmured. "Yachi-san, can I kiss you?" Hitoka let out a noise of disapproval, "No kisses until you're eighteen."

"What? No way. What am I supposed to kiss if I get horny? A wall?" Nao said.

"No, a toilet. Fuck no. Why do you even get horny?" Hitoka retorted. 

"Well, Alphas go through ruts."

Hitoka took her head off Nao's shoulder. She kissed Nao's forehead, "Sometimes, instead of being dirty all the time, learn to be more innocent," She advised. Nao smiled and chuckled, holding her hand out for snow to fall on it. She put the hand on Hitoka's head and kissed her cheek, causing Hitoka to shiver, either from the cold or the sweet gesture.

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