11 - Well, Sensei cares a lot

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Takeda sensei's glasses had that glint it had whenever he squinted his eyes when he was angry. "You two stayed out here the whole night?" he asked, the malice in his voice, over the worry taking over him. "Sensei, I told you 5 times, Hinata is in his heat" Kei explained. "Kageyama and I both lost control and stayed out here the whole night"

"That is no excuse to stay in the cold night the whole day, and who gave you two the keys?" he asked and Tobio pointed over to Hitoka, who was sheepishly smiling. "Sensei, it would have been worse if they stayed out the whole night, it was the only thing I could think of," Hitoka said, scratching the back of her neck. Takeda sighed, his right hand rubbing the bridge of his nose, his glasses slightly falling onto the nails on his hand. "You two are going to go home early," he said. 

Tobio stiffened, he absolutely did not want to go back to the dorm. Not when Shoyou was in his heat. "Don't wanna," he murmured. Takeda sensei's face switched to worry. Damn, this sensei is one heck of a sensei alright. "Kageyama, I don't think Yamaguchi or Hinata are going to like that the two of you were out here the whole night, despite it all, I'm sure they're worried,"

Kei nodded, "I'm gonna buy masks, it's easier that way," Kei said. Tobio shook his head, "I'm not going," he muttered. "The masks will help Kageyama, besides, Sensei's right, we should be there, up there right now, not here," Kei said, no one's ever seen him this caring, so it was definitely a new thing. But for Tobio and Hitoka it was nothing. Kei's been worried in their friend circle a lot of times too, but for the first years and second years, it was the first time they'd seen their senpai like this. 

Of course, over the years they've all matured, gotten a bigger, better view on life. A nicer one, a rather bittersweet one. But, of course, none of the kids have ever really done anything to make their senpais worry. Especially they don't even try to make Tadashi worry. When Tadashi's worried, he uses all his brain cells till they melt and then that ends up worrying everybody. 

"I'll go get the masks, you stay here, okay?" Kei asked, putting his palm on Tobio's left shoulder. Tobio faltered "Okay..." Kei walked out the door, saying no more. Tobio sighed, taking a seat, feeling hard down there yet again. "Do you need anything Kageyama?" Takeda sensei asked. Tobio shook his head, "I'm good"

Takeda smiled, "Okay, wanna play for some time?" Tobio looked up at Takeda, who was giving him a warm smile, almost like a father-older brother figure. Somehow, it made him feel at ease, he's not really had the best kind of relationship with his sister. Sure, it's not like hey had the worst, but they didn't have the best one either, so somehow Takeda puts him at ease. "It's fine" Tobio relented. 

"Okay," Takeda said, sitting down next to Tobio. Takeda was always like this, he was always worried for his students. It's not like he had a profound connection with them but it's just in the teacher's nature. He would continuously switch between being a mom and being a dad. Or switch between sister and brother. Either way, he was really caring for his kids, as if they were his actual kids. Tobio didn't know if it was something paranormal, or if it was just a coincidence, but all the betas he knew were the most caring people he has ever seen. Takeda-sensei, Hitoka, Tadashi, a few first years, heck, even Koushi, Asahi, and even Tanaka, who often had an alpha demeanor, but was indeed only a beta, (My sister suggested the twist and wanted Shimizu-san to be the alpha)

"I'm back," Kei said, smacking the door open. He attracted the attention of the whole crew in the court. "Sorry, Alpha tendencies during the rut," he said with a sigh, ripping the mask box open and handing Tobio one. "You there?" he asked, waving the mask in front of his eyes. Tobio here hasn't even blinked. Tobio blinked, looking around like a lost puppy. Somehow Kei found that adorable, how he looked around the court as if he was a small puppy waking up from a nap. However, he blamed the whole thing on his alpha. 

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