16 - Cheesy Toast

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So, Kei can explain.

Kei can definitely explain what he's doing. 

A few days ago he caught Shoyou looking at him without a shirt on after he came out of the bath. Ever since then, Kei has been feeling all tingly inside, the same way he feels for Tadashi. He put two and two together that it was love. Hence, he needed to make something with love so Shoyou could possibly love him...?

 Makes sense right? Hopefully, it does. 

So in France, when he was with his uncle, his uncle talked about the marvelous ways of how he made his mate aka his aunt fall in love with him. And as cheesy as it sounds, today, he was going to make cheesy toast with cheesy filling and feelings in it as well. Yes, today, that was his plan. 

And it was great timing too, without Tobio and Tadashi around, he doesn't have anyone who can mock him for his ways. And as much as he would have loved to think of this in a more thoughtful way, this is the only thing he fell on. And he wasn't embarrassed or anything, pretty good right?




Okay, that was a lie, he was definitely embarrassed. 

But that was the only idea he had so he just went with it. 

At six thirty or so, Shoyou would always ask whether there was anything to eat. So that was his best bet. And right now it was six-three. So, Kei walked over to the sofa, where Shoyou was playing his Nintendo Switch, where he had kept losing in his RPG often. 

Kei rested his head on the sofa's board watching Shoyou stab people lousily with his sword in his PS1-style game. "Aw, shit!" Shoyou cursed when he lost to the demon in the game. He then looked up at Kei, "Yo, what's up?" 

Kei hummed, "You up for cheese toast?" he asked. Shoyou grinned mischievously, "What's this? You're gonna make me something?" he mocked. Kei rolled his eyes about to walk away, what a buzzkill. "No, no! I'll take it" Shoyou nodded with a grin. He was definitely up for cheese toast and because of the lack of a toaster, Kei would have to do it in a pan. 

"Don't burn the bread though!" Shoyou waved his hand, going back to his game. Kei rolled his eyes again, he's half French, who does Shoyou think he is? Toast is literally the most popular breakfast in France. He would have said that to Shoyou, but he was already excited. 

Kei took the apron, tying it into a bow knot in the back perfectly. He exhaled, turning the light on in the kitchen. "Don't let me down now Uncle" he mumbled, opening the cabinet and taking out the sandwich bread Tadashi bought eagerly the other day. 

Kei smiled, if he bent Shoyou into falling in love with him today then Tobio's the last. And obviously, Tobio was too strong for fucking toast so he'd have to think of something else. Stupid fucking soulmate bond, making him feel fuzzy feelings all the time.

He took the pan and turned the stove knob to the right, making a small fire at first. He waited for a minute, pressing his finger on the pan he recoiled fast, blowing his finger. He took the bread a placed it on the pan, rubbing butter over it. He took his phone out and watched the phone's timer to make sure it doesn't over toast. This was his best and only bet. And he didn't know how to cook as well as Tadashi but he did know how to cook a lot of French things, especially French Toast.

Kei had the upper hand here, definitely. He flipped the bread over to see that he perfectly toasted it. Yes! Haha! Just one more side....just one more side (I'm really getting help out of BBC here) Once it was perfectly cooked he put it on a plate. Then he got the cheese out of the fridge and got another piece of bread. 

The more the merrier, babe | TsukiYamaKageHina | ABO DynamicsWhere stories live. Discover now