Chapter 21 - The day before Tobio's birthday

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TW : Touched topic of Eating Disorders

"It's my birthday tomorrow Shou. Could you cheer up a bit?" Tobio asked. Shoyou has been in the dumps since his heat happened for five days, he's been tired. His heat ended on the 18th and for the past three days, he's been so tired and clingy with Tobio. 

"I'm not sad or anything, I'm pretty cheery" Shoyou reassured, but hugged Tobio tighter. "Is that why you've been hogging me to yourself?" Tobio asked. "Do you not like it?" Shoyou whispered softly. Tobio shook his head, "No, no I love it. But I'm about to turn eighteen, you were so excited about it. You've been hogging me to yourself and won't even let me go get my exam schedule"

"Kei and Tadashi said they'd bring it" he mumbled. Tobio and Shoyou were cuddled up together right now. Shoyou was on top of Tobio with his legs wrapped around Tobio's waist and Tobio just rested on the sofa. The TV had no sound and the brightness was decreased so as to not annoy Shoyou. 

Tobio sat silently for the next twenty minutes, slowly stroking Shoyou's hair and watching orange hair get mildly stuck between his fingers. It was satisfying somehow. The door creaked a bit as it opened, Tadashi and Kei walked in, closing the door behind them and placing the papers on the coffee table. Tobio took the paper from Kei's hand and silently looked at it. 

Tobio clicked his tongue, "Physics and Modern Japanese sucks" he mumbled. There were all twelve topics from the books and that sucked. Shoyou took a peak at the schedule as well. "English sucks, Tobio," Shoyou said, looking at all the ten topics in English. "Ah, that too," Tobio agreed and Tadashi smiled at their talk. They were both talking about how hard each and every subject was, cuddled up together. 

Kei sighed, "Frankly speaking, this is a lot for a graduation exam."  he said, making both he boys turn their heads to them. "Isn't it?" Tadashi asked with a chuckle, "That is a lot, it's making the gears in my head spin," Tadashi said. "Well, it's a good thing they gave it a few months prior," Kei said, clapping his hands. 

"No, it isn't!" Shoyou said, pulling the paper off Tobio's hand. "This thing's too tough!" he said, smothering it over Kei's face. The paper pressed over Kei's glasses. "My glasses, my glasses, my glasses, stop, stop, my glasses" Kei mumbled, trying to pull the paper off his face. "Shou, you'll break his glasses," Tobio said, pulling Shoyou back onto his lap. "I won't break his glasses," Shoyou said, with a frown on his face. 

"It'll break anyway, receiving a ball with my face is already scary," Kei said, ruffling Shoyou's hair and pulling Tadashi to sit on the sofa with him. [Honestly, people who don't wear glasses will never get it. I try to care for mine on its behalf of not being a living being. (I'm not doing a very great job, am I?)]

"Shoyou, do you feel better?" Tadashi asked with a caring face. "Yeah, I'm feeling ten times better!" Shoyou exclaimed, sitting up, but not letting go of Tobio. He rested his back on Tobio's chest and Tobio placed his chin on the ruffled orange hair. "You sure?" Kei asked, gently. Shoyou nodded. (No, Shoyou's not pregnant if that's what y'all are thinking.)

"Well, then, Tobio, what do you want for dinner today?" Tadashi asked, leaning forward to look at Tobio. Tobio looked at Tadashi and back at the mass of orange hair, "Curry" he mumbled. Kei sighed dramatically, "Again?" he asked. Tobio pouted, "Fine, whatever then, I don't care" and he hugged Shoyou by his waist, pulling him closer. Tadashi punched Kei's arm. "Don't say that, Tsukki, tomorrow's his birthday, he can eat what he wants"

Kei rolled his eyes, "I wasn't given what I wanted to eat the day prior to my birthday" he said, growing dramatically. "Kei, babe, you weren't even given what you wanted on your birthday," Shoyou said, poking Kei's cheek. "This is news, You actually have something you like to eat?" Tobio asked. "Not food, I like sweets. Strawberry Shortcake especially" Kei said, his cheeks getting pink at the mere thought of admitting that, which he just did. 

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