Chapter 20 - Shoyou is in his heat.

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[Might have a little bit of smut haha 😘🔥😳🥵🌶🍋]

So, unexpectedly but totally expectedly, Shoyou got his heat about three days before he should get it on. 

Recently, even Tadashi noticed that all of them had been cranky, including himself. But it's kind of hard for a beta like him to not be cranky when all he sniffs are pheromones recently. Even during dinner, it was the only thing he could smell, not even the food.

Nevertheless, Shoyou is in his heat. And now... Kei, Tadashi, and Shoyou are in the bedroom.

Shoyou was whimpering in the cold, wrapping the blanket around his slicked body, eyes hazed with desire. Kei was trying incredibly hard not to lose control, kind of hard when Shoyou sat on the bed, too adorably. If only Tobio were eighteen, he'd see this magnificent scene. Meanwhile, Tadashi held back. This time he wanted Kei to help Shoyou first. Last time both Kei and Tobio didn't get the chance, so to make things fair.

"I..can' h-hurts," Shoyou said, as he gulped, tightening his body. Tadashi sighed, "Kei, come on, go help him," he said, slowly nudging Kei, but he kept shaking his head, his eyes tightly closed, trying to resist his alpha. Tadashi rolled his eyes. There, that's what he meant by getting cranky. 

Tadashi got on the bed, unbuttoning Shoyou's shirt, quick too, and yanked it off the boy's body, making the blanket fall down. "Lay down Shoyou" he whispered and Shoyou laid down. Tadashi undid Shoyou's shorts, pulling them down slowly down his slicked thighs. Tadashi looked back at Kei, giving his hand out so Kei could take it. Kei pursed his lips, holding Tadashi's hand and pulling himself up on the bed. 

Kei was surprisingly really weak around Shoyou. Honestly, Tadashi wished he could see this side of Kei more often with him but Kei only showed this side of himself to Shoyou, which would usually get Tadashi jealous, but hey, Kei was more rougher and cool with him, that's what he liked.

Kei finally looked at Shoyou, under the two of them, waiting to get fucked. This side of Shoyou was something he'd been wanting to see for so long. However, he didn't want to scare Shoyou with his alpha as he did back then. "Tsukishima.." Shoyou saying his name with such lust sent shivers down Kei's spine.

Kei leaned in and kissed Shoyou, his hands making their way to the waistband of Shoyou's wet underwear. Tadashi smiled, sitting and watching what was happening. Okay, hell no, he wanted friction too. Tadashi removed his t-shirt, literally sniffing, sniffing the air for pheromones.

Kei's lips made their way down Shoyou's neck, leaving a few hickeys, and often biting his neck a bit too but not too hard as to mark Shoyou. Shoyou held his hand out for Tadashi with a pout and Tadashi smiled, leaning in and kissing Shoyou's forehead. Kei's kisses moved lower and lower until they reached Shoyou's crotch, making Shoyou stifle a moan. 

Tadashi chuckled, "Relax, babe," he said, often kissing Shoyou's forehead to ease him. Shoyou started releasing heavy pheromones and Tadashi sniffed for it. Even sunflower gardens literally don't smell this good(You thought mf, you thought)

In the middle of all the sniffing, for some reason, he could also smell distressed alpha pheromones from outside the room. Ah, Tobio. Poor him. He's doing such a good job resisting his alpha. Tadashi smiled, ruffling Shoyou's hair, he leaned in to whisper in Kei's ear, who was definitely going to suck Shoyou off soon. 

"Give him a good time, Kei" Tadashi whispered, voice deep and husky and quite seductive even. "Where are you-" Shoyou was cut off with Tadashi's smile. "Can't leave Tobio alone, you know?" he said, making Shoyou sulk and then suddenly gasp when he felt Kei's tongue slip into his balls. (Balls😂)

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