7- 'Feelings' and 'Mates'

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The four of the boys--despite having been in a single dorm up until now for the past two and a half weeks---haven't talked at all about their... 'Polyamorous situation'

Tobio and Shoyou have been avoiding this topic, either saying they want to take a potty break, or just play volleyball for a while, or just some lame excuse to avoid talking. Kei hadn't really bought the topic up, because if two of the people in the situation are just avoiding it, no point in trying to bring it out.

However, for Tadashi, things are more concerning, it's nearly a month, and if they pass the end of this month, the next thing they'll know is Shoyou's heat would come in due. Yes, if the alphas are strong enough, they can control it, but it's no use if they couldn't control it the first time. 

The first time in the gym when Shoyou's heat kicked in--when they found out they were all mates--just a single sniff of the overpowering smell and Tobio lost control the second he entered. Kei, who was a master at controlling his alpha, had also lost control. So being in such a small space as this dorm, he wasn't just concerned about Shoyou, but also concerned about what could happen between the two alphas. Would they fight? Relax? Maybe not even lose control? Oh fuck, what if they die by controlling their alphas too much?! Is that even a thing?

 Being a beta was frustrating, especially if you're in a relationship with an omega and two alphas. It all seemed so fake, but it was really, truly happening. Unless he died, and now he's in heaven or hell having to endure these. He didn't know what it was, was it heaven? Heaven because he could be with 3 pretty boys his age? Was it hell? Hell because the three pretty boys are just plain with no filter at all and that's what is making this most annoying?

Wait...Pretty? Haha, P-Pretty, of course.

of course, they were pretty, pretty teammates and friends of his. 

Anyway, aside from the point!

He decided, that today, was the day they were going to discuss this before they all try to avoid it.

He nodded determinedly.

"Guys! Dinner's ready!" Tadashi yelled from the kitchen, taking all the plates out, setting the table, and the food in the middle.

Today's food was Rice, Nikujaga, a specially made Curry with an egg on top, and Takikomi Gohan.

The curry was made, only so that Tobio would actually sit and listen and not run away.

"Guys, hurry up," he said, "Coming!" Shoyou said, jumping off the bed, Tobio following him from the bedroom. The bathroom door opened and Kei came out too. 

"The fracking frackers on the crackers were you doing in the bathroom?" Shoyou asked Kei, who came out of the bathroom in the living room "Taking a shit?" Tobio asked. "No?" Kei said, more like a question, walking over to the table.

"Don't be so vulgar Kageyama say poop! I told you this a million times!" 

"Please sit down, don't fight again," Tadashi said, removing the apron and putting it on the back of the chair as he sat down. 

Shoyou marched over to the seat next to Tadashi as he plopped down on the chair. "Oi, get up, I want to sit with Yamaguchi," Tobio said. "Heh? Go sit on the other side!" Shoyou sat, crossing his arms over his chest. "Just get up! You sit with him every day,"

"Kageyama?" Tadashi asked, attracting his attention. "Another day, I promise I'll save it up for you 'kay?" Tadashi said, with a warm smile. Tobio frowned sitting on the opposite side of Tadashi, Kei on the opposite side of Shoyou.

They ate in silence, except when Tobio complimented Tadashi's cooking and how he found Tadashi's curry with an egg on top the best curry with an egg on top he's ever tasted.

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