13 - Plan success? I guess

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Earlier Today : 

"I have a genius plan Kageyama," Shoyou said. Tobio looked out of the bedroom door and saw Kei watching TV and Tadashi cooking. He exhaled the breath he was holding and closed the door.

"Okay, forget all of that..." Tobio mumbled. "Who the hell said you could pull me from watching  the volleyball match for some shit crap reason like this!?" 

"Heh?! You haven't even heard what I'm talking about!" Shoyou defended himself. Tobio sighed, "So, what is it?"

"So, as we know it, Tsukishima and Tadashi have been on bad terms, my guess is that there is a shit ton of tension between them," Shoyou pointed out. "Shit ton? You got that right. What about it?"

"I was thinking we should go to play volleyball or so we'll say, but in reality, we'll just give them time to talk things out," Shoyou said. "That's my idea, it's cool right?" 

Tobio smirked, "The best idea I've ever heard"

That was a lie, actually, no Tobio did think it was the best idea, but really it was probably the dumbest idea ever. If it works, that's all matters tho, right?

Later : 

The plan took action.

"We're gonna go play volleyball!" Shoyou said, jumping out of the bedroom with a volleyball, Tobio following him. Kei looked back at Shoyou and Tobio, distracted by his Instagram or Snapchat or whatever the hell he was doing on his phone.

"You sure? It's really cold Shoyou" Tadashi said. Shoyou smiled, "Don't worry! We'll be back soon!" Shoyou replied, "If we don't come to get us 'kay?" Tadashi nodded, placing his pen down on his book. He got up and walked to Shoyou, he lifted Shoyou's hair and kissed his forehead. Tobio rolled his eyes and walked to the door, and watched Kei's eyes follow him. Tobio looked at home and waved his hand. Kei smirked, looking back at his phone. 

Seriously, Kei was rather friendly with both him and Shoyou, but really cold to Tadashi, and that was really concerning. 

Shoyou smiled idiotically, feeling all woozy inside. "Take care okay? You too Kageyama" Tadashi said. Tobio nodded, opening the door. "Be careful" Tadashi said again when they walked out the door. The two waved their hands and closed the door. 

However, they didn't go anywhere, they both rested against the wall at the same time. Shoyou rolled the ball in his hand, humming a soft tune. Tobio put his hands in his pockets as he watched Shoyou. Tobio just seemed to realize that when Shoyou was relaxed and not hyper like always, his face was a lot softer than always. All his facial features were realized, his eyebrows were not so high and above like always, and his eyes weren't always so big. His lips were.... oh god damn, they were so smooth. Does he take care of his lips? Oh, shoot. That's pretty smooth. 

Shoyou's eyes finally caught Tobio's making Tobio look away. Shoyou raised his eyebrow, almost teasingly. Either he was spending way too much time with Kei, or there was a side of Shoyou that he never showed to Tobio up until now. A small smile made its way on Shoyou's face, teasingly as his eyes lidded. Oh damn, that was seductive. 

Tobio cleared his throat. "Right.." he muttered. "Wanna go play Volleyball for real? It doesn't look like they'll make up anytime soon" Tobio suggested, making Shoyou sigh and push himself off the wall. He really was trying to make a number on Tobio. 

"Let's go!" Shoyou said, already making his way to the lift. Tobio let out a sigh of relief. What was he thinking? Checking Shoyou out like that? 

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