12.5 - P.S, Dates with the resident asshole is exceptionable

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I split the chapter because it was super long

Kei followed Tobio as he walked out of the pharmacy. He smirked, "What? Are you mad?" he asked, Tobio shook his head, "Nope, I'm broke" he answered, walking a bit slower so Kei could catch up. Tobio looked at his watch, It was dark out, and small snowflakes fell down. It really was pretty cold.

Kei walked to Tobio's side, wrapping his hand over Tobio's shoulder which made the boy look up at the taller. But Kei seemed unbothered as they both continued to walk. "The mall's close, we can walk there," Kei said. Tobio hummed looking back down on the road.

The road was empty despite it only being around 8:00. But it was winter, and the snow would pile up soon since it was November already, and at certain places, it really was piling up so much snow.

But, despite Tobio being a little underdressed for the cold, he felt really warm right now. He didn't know why, his heart felt like a little contraption inside his chest, trying to burst out. And, it really made him warm inside.

Tobio pursed his lips. He really did like feeling this warmth. He never wanted it to end, it was a cozy warmth. Tobio didn't seem to notice he was walking way too close to the road, and if a car were to come, he might as well just be dead, but Kei did. "Oi, stop walking too close to the road," he said, pulling Tobio closer, thinking Tobio would resist. But Tobio really didn't, in fact, leaned closer.

"Are you okay?" Kei asked, making them stop so he could check the shorter boy's temperature. Tobio nodded, "I'm not sick.. I..I just.." he couldn't say what he wanted, but he knew what he wanted, he wanted to keep Kei closer to him. But that wasn't the only thing.

He couldn't name what he was feeling. People would often call it 'love' and 'affection' but Tobio was not ready to accept such a feeling. He didn't want to accept it as love, but the more Kei started to be kinder and sweeter to him, the more he wanted to keep Kei closer and want him physically.

But even though that would be it and Tobio thought he figured it out, he still didn't know what this was. Was he really only thinking about Kei like that? Obviously... right?

"You're cold," Kei said, "Let's go back" Tobio shook his head, "I want to go to the mall though"

"We'll go some other day" Kei replied, but Tobio shook his head again, he really did seem to want to go to the mall. Kei sighed, they were closer to the train station than the mall. "Let's go through the train come on," he said, pulling off his scarf and bundling it onto Tobio's neck.

They soon reached the train station. Tobio really was just following Kei the whole way there. Tobio didn't feel cold though, in fact, he just felt hot, really. Kei paid for the train and got on. Asking Tobio (what felt like a million times) if he still wanted to go to the mall. Each time, Tobio just nodded, without saying a single thing.

On the train, the crowd seemed to decrease. There was still a lot of crowds, but at least there was a single seat left, which is where Kei made Tobio sit down, standing close to him. "Do you feel better?" Kei asked. Tobio looked up at Kei finally. His face hit a million emotions at once.

"What's wrong?" Kei worriedly asked, lifting his right hand to Tobio's cheek. Tobio looked at Kei's hand on his cheek. Tobio wasn't one to tell things to people, and that's why he decided that talking to Kei, of all people, would be the most weirdest thing he has ever done. (I swear I'm gon' kill Grammarly. Dude, why does it say 'most weirdest' is the weirdest thing to write ugh.)

"It's nothing, I was just thinking" Tobio mumbled, moving his eyes from Kei's hand to the banner on the train that constantly changed from ads to directions. They were close to the mall, so that was the first stop. Kei dropped his hand from Tobio's cheek and moved his hand over to Tobio's head instead and pat his head, making Tobio submit.

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