Chapter Fifty Four

Start from the beginning

She sat on the floor, tucking herself into her coat. She watched as all three sat in the middle, reaching for their feet as they kept their legs parallel to the floor.

Her eyes wondered over their bodies, especially Jimin. She never knew he was that flexible. She felt her eyes bulge out their sockets as the man folded himself in half.

She stayed quiet as they joked with each other and kept doing more stretching exercise.

Jimin and Jungkook followed Hoseok as he got up. She paid close attention as Hoseok became serious, his face transforming as they went over steps in slow motion while he counted and did sounds with his mouth.

Aila wanted laughed at the 'ba, ba, ba' counts Hoseok did to the beat of whatever song they practiced to.

Still she stayed quiet as they became immersed in the practice. She lost track of the time, just enjoying all three synchronized to each other, steps forming a chain of movements that flowed and perfectly followed each other, sharp angles in contrast to how their bodies seemed to be boneless.

She quiet enjoyed it, seeing all three in what looked like one of their natural environments.

"Do the others dance as well?"

"Yeah they all do. Although Namjoon and Jin would say they aren't as good, but they all can do a pretty good job keeping up with me." Hoseok answered.

"That's so cool! Why not make a choreo to one of Yoongi's songs?"

"Umm, if you ask them they'll probably say yes. If I say something they won't." Hoseok smiled.

He felt excited.

They all did.

Their hearts pounded as the anticipation of Aila seeing them dance for the first time began to settle in their minds.

"Ok so we ready?" Hoseok asked, the moment finally happening.

"Pretty Girl, why don't you sit here?" Jimin pointed to the wall of mirrors, where they would face her.

She didn't say anything, automatically sitting towards the middle of the wall, bringing her legs to her chest, arms coming to hug her knees.

Jungkook quickly went to the computer, messing with the buttons, then making his way center.

Hoseok stood to her left and Jimin to her right, both facing her while Jungkook stood a few steps back, facing the back.

Soon the speakers began to blare to a song she knew to well.

Coco Pt. 2

She screamed, cheering them on as Jungkook faced her, his eyes coming in to contact with her. Her world stopped for a second, not knowing what to expect.

Jungkook smirked as the words began to sound and all three moved in sync. Their movements sharp and perfect to the beat of the song. She moved her head, mouthing the words.

She noticed how surprisingly strong and precise their movements were. Junkook and Jimin appeared to be more stern than Hoseok. He looked more natural but either way, she was blow away.

It would seem Jungkook was at the center of the dance, Jimin and Hoseok staying a little ways behind him.

She gasped as they smoothly transitioned to a line, Jimin and Hoseok switching placed behind Jungkook while still keeping the beat.

The song continued for a few more seconds before Jungkook kneeled in front of her, the other two stood behind him.

Jungkook's eyes focused solely on her, in the way she clapped but immediately stopped as another song began to play.

Jimin stepped forward and the other two left him alone.

A very seductive song, one Aila enjoyed herself began to play.

She couldn't take her eyes of Jimin as he walked back then turned to face her. She felt her world freeze.

He looked so breathless, yet so comfortable in his skin. He looked at her, mouth wording the words as his body began to move.

Pretty girl.

Hadn't he just called her pretty girl?

Her mind went blank as his arms began to move with his feet, arms making sharp angles, hand touching his body. She became mesmerized by his dance, feeling hot by the words of the song and his aggressive movements.

Soon Jungkook and Hoseok joined him, her mind going blank with the way they moved and how good they looked dancing.

She felt a drop in her stomach when she saw the choreo had hip thrust, the way they were enjoying the song clearly in the smirks she would catch from time to time.

She gasped as the words 'let me take you down' echoed on the room and all three, like a domino effect, placed their hands on the floor, hips coming to grind on the floor. The force of their hips clear on the curve of their legs.

She wasn't expecting the desire that shocked her body at such a movement, nor the embarrassment that followed as they moved on their knees across the floor.

This was a dance curated perfectly to fit what the song was taking about.

Sex and Enjoyment.

And their movements were more than enough to make Aila imagine something she shouldn't.

She felt her throat run dry, thankful as the song ended with them doing body rolls.

The next song played, a more upbeat song. Hoseok moved to the center of the formation, smiling at her a little before looking at the other two beside him.

She hadn't heard this song before, but she liked it. She focused her eyes on Hoseok, noticing just how good he really was.

Jimin and Jungkook were good, but it was just something about the way Hoseok moved that felt so natural. And it wasn't just his body, it was the way he smiled and the way he sang the song. It was the way he got lost in the beat, perfectly becoming his own puppet master as the strings got pulled.

She screamed as they did flips in the air. Her reaction only made them feel good about finally getting to show her something they had worked so hard to perfect.

For a little bit, Jimin went center followed by Junkook. She gasped again as they did another flip and Hoseok was back in the middle.

A few more movements and the room became silent again.

They didn't know if she had liked it. She just sat there, mouth slightly open as she looked at them trying to catch their breaths.

She finale broke into cheers, making them smile despite how tired they felt.

"What the fuck was that !! Oh !!! What!?!? You guys did this!?! Why are you three so fucking good at this!?" Her praises continue, which only made them feel shy.

They didn't feel like they were prepared enough, always feeling the need to push themselves more, especially because they were going to show this dance to Aila.

Yet her reaction only made their hearts feel full. It didn't matter they had missed half a beat or that their feet had stumbled for a second.

She made them feel like the were the best. Like they had done a perfect job. She complimented each of them in each song that played.

She was so blown away. It only made them feel with more pride they had gotten such a reaction from her.

Jimin and Hoseok finally understood what Jungkook was talking about. Both coming to the same conclusion as him.


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