Chapter 17: Viking for hire ( Part 1 )

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The riders were in the Academy with Frida in her dragon form and with their dragons. The riders were watching as Frida was biting onto a thing of cabbage with slitted pupils and the glowing yellow liquid dripping out of her fangs, and staining the cabbage. Fishlegs was holding the book of dragons, and had it opened to the lycanwing page.

Fishlegs: Interesting... It appears that the venom or what Frida calls " fang spit ", only comes out when Frida's pupils are slitted. This could be some kind of self defense. If only there was a safe way to know what the effects of Frida's venom are...

Ruffnut: I volunteer Tuffnut.

Tuffnut: Yes! Wait, what am I volunteering for again?

Hiccup: No. I'm sure there's a safer way to know the effects without having Frida bite anyone.

Astrid: Well, we did see how the Red Death reacted when Frida bit it in the eye to save me and Stormfly.

Fishlegs: Oh, yeah! It roared out in extreme pain as soon as Frida bit it.

Snotlout: Then again, she did bite it in its eyeball. ( Shivers )

Fishlegs: But, a bite of something Frida's size wouldn't make a massive dragon like the red death react that way. Her venom must've caused the red death instant pain as soon as it was injected.

Astrid: But, if that was the case, wouldn't the other dragons be terrified of her?

Fishlegs: ( shrugs ) Maybe they know she's not a threat to them because she's still a kid.

Snotlout: Couldn't we just ask Frida?

Astrid: I don't think she knows what it does anymore they we do.

Fishlegs: There's a chance that she hasn't met another lycanwing before, given to how she didn't know how to speak when Hiccup found her.

Sky and Grump slowly and carefully rolled Rocky the "rock" into the arena and towards Frida and the other dragons, gaining their attention and making Frida stop biting the cabbage to go to Rocky.

Frida: ( to the two terrors: ) Is Rocky cold again?

Sky and Grump nodded their heads in agreement, the over terrors quickly laid down on the ground around the "rock" while Frida carefully laid herself onto it. The other dragons watched curiously and seemed to know something that the riders didn't.

Hiccup: Uh, Frida, what are you doing?

Frida: Keeping Rocky warm.

Tuffnut: The rock?

Frida: Rocky gets cold a lot, and which makes Sky worried for some reason.

The riders shared a confused expression in response.

Hiccup: Okay, guys, that's enough training for today.

Snotlout: Ha, it's just a dumb rock, right Hookfang?

Snotlout pats Hookfang's jaw once he got on his dragon, and in response, the monstrous nightmare rears up and sets himself on fire, burning Snotlout's butt and making Frida and her terrors laugh as the viking boy jumped into a nearby water tub.

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