Chapter 4: Bonding

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Hiccup walked out of his house to start heading to dragon training, when he saw that Frida was sitting on the roof, looking at him with a smile.

Hiccup: Frida?! What- How- Did you follow me to the village?

Frida nods her head with a smile.

Hiccup: Oh, well, I-I was going to head to dragon training, so maybe you should-

Frida: Me- I go too.

Frida then turned into a dragon and glided down to Hiccup before she turned back to a human.

Hiccup: Okay... But if you are going to be in the village, you can't turn into a dragon. Okay?

Frida looks at Hiccup with a confused expression before she nods her head. She followed Hiccup to the dragon arena, where Gobber and the other teens were waiting for him.

Hiccup: Uh, hey, guys-

Tuffnut: ( gestures to Frida ) Who's the kid?

Hiccup: Uh, this is Frida. Frida, this is ( gestures to the twins ) Ruffnut and Tuffnut...

Frida: I bite.

Hiccup: No. ( Gestures to Snotlout ) Snotlout...

Frida: I bite?

Hiccup: No. ( Gestures to Astrid, who was looking at Frida with a unsure look ) Astrid...

Frida: ( glares at Astrid ) I punch?

Hiccup: No, no biting or punching. ( Gestures to Fishlegs ) Fishlegs. ( Gestures to Gobber ) and this is Gobber.

Frida: ( is looking at Gobber ) He look weird.

Snotlout: Why is she talking weird?

Hiccup: She was sorta, uh, living in the woods. I'm slowly helping her how to talk, and she decided to follow me to training today.

Snotlout: No wonder why she talks weird then.

Frida gave the other teens a protective glare as the twins and Snotlout started laughing.

Gobber: Alright, she has some fight in her. She can join us for today's training.

Hiccup and the other teens quickly shared worried looks at the idea of Frida training with them because of Gobber's teaching methods.

( A few minutes later )

Frida was now holding a bucket of water with both of her hands and she was paired with Hiccup and Fishlegs in the middle of the arena as it was filled with a green fog, obscuring the dragon. Gobber was watching from a safe distance.

Gobber: ( to the teens and Frida: ) Today is about teamwork. Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other lights it. Your job is to know which is which.

Frida was silently protectively growling as Fishlegs was rambling and putting both her and Hiccup on edge.

Fishlegs: Razor sharp, serrated teeth that inject venom for pre-digestion. Prefers ambush attack, by crushing its victims-

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