Chapter 10: A Plan To Save Everyone

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Frida and the teens were now in the arena, and the twins were at Frida because she was still in her dragon form. Snotlout had small scratches on her arms because of Frida dragging him there.

Fishlegs: If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronkle.

Tuffnut: ( to Hiccup: ) You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. That's me.

Hiccup: Uh...

Snotlout: ( to Hiccup: ) I love this plan! But did you really had to send Frida to get me here-

Hiccup: I didn't-

Frida: ( to Snotlout: ) I could drag you back out, but this time... By the ears instead of the arms, Snot-hat.

Hiccup: Please don't, Frida-

Ruffnut: ( to Hiccup: ) You're crazy! I like that-

Astrid pushed Ruffnut away from Hiccup, and Frida trips Ruffnut with her tail.

Astrid: ( to Hiccup: ) So? What is the plan?

Hiccup: This... Frida, will you do the honors?

Frida: ( with a smile: ) You got it, brother.

Frida then released the Monstrous nightmare and Hiccup gently guides it towards Snotlout. Snotlout was scared and tried to grab a knife, but Frida silently growled at him in response and shook her head " no " and made him drop it. Hiccup then grabbed Snotlout's hand.

Snotlout: Wait! What are you-?!

Hiccup: Relax. It's okay...

Hiccup then slowly moved Snotlout's hand towards the Monstrous nightmare's snout, and it purred when Snotlout's hand touched it's snout, making Snotlout smile in relief and amazement until Hiccup moved away from him.

Snotlout: ( worried: ) Where are you going?!

Frida then started releasing all the other dragons in the arena.

Hiccup: ( holds up some rope ) You're going to need something to help you hold on.

The teens then glanced at the other three dragons that Frida had released from their cages. Once Hiccup helped the rest of the teens bond with a dragon, Astrid with the Nadder, Fishlegs with the Gronkle, and the twins with the Zippleback, the teens then turned to Frida as she was opening the last cage.

Fishlegs: Are we sure that Frida should come with us? She's hurt.

Frida: I've gotten worse injuries. Plus...

Frida released the Terrible Terror from it's cage, and the teens looked at the lycanwing and the small dragon with confusion.

Frida: We're stronger than we look.

Tuffnut: You and that tiny dragon?

Frida didn't say anything in response, she just flew out of the arena for a few seconds before coming back with a small basket full of fish. She knocked the basket over to the terror, and soon after she did this, four more Terrible Terrors flew over and all five Terrors began eating the fish.

Frida: ( to the teens, with a knowing smile: ) Nope. Me and the pack of Terrors.

Fishlegs: Of course! Terrible Terrors are very weak by themselves, but very strong when in packs.

Hiccup: ( with a smile: ) And I have a feeling that this pack is going to be more stronger with a Lycanwing leading them.

After the Terrors finished eating the fish, all five of them went up to Frida and they all began nuzzling her while purring.

Ruffnut: Aw...!

Tuffnut: Okay, this ( gestures to Frida and the five Terrors ) is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Frida growled at Tuffnut for calling her cute, which caused the five terrors to attack Tuffnut for upsetting the young lycanwing, who laughed in response.


Hiccup: Frida...

Frida: Oh, alright. ( to the five Terrors: ) Enough fooling around, fellas. We have a mission to do.

The Terrible Terrors quickly did what Frida said and they followed her and the others as they took off to the Dragon's nest to save the vikings. Frida and the terrors were flying above the teens and their dragons in a V formation, Frida was in front.

Snotlout: Okay, am I the only one worried about how Frida, the lycanwing, is now leading a pack of Terrors?

Frida: No one cares, Snot-hat. Right now we need to focus on saving the vikings from getting themselves killed because of Hiccup's father's stupidity.

Tuffnut: ( to the other teens: ) She does realize that she's insulting a Viking chief, right?

Frida: I don't give a scale.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on if you think Frida should keep the five Terrors, and what you think she'll name them

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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