Lightning strikes

Start from the beginning

He pulls their bags out of the trunk and they make their way into the hotel.
There are people wearing team clothes from all the teams in here. She sees Williams, Haas, Mercedes and Ferrari crew walking around. She doesn't recognize anybody, but there are so many people working for the teams who are not in the spotlight, so she's not surprised.

"I bet you there are drivers staying here Steevs, god I feel like a kid in a candy store."
Her dad is all giddy and even though she misses her kids tremendously, it's so much fun seeing this huge man acting like that.

"Just don't freak out of you see one ok. They are just people like us. Only with a much fuller bank account."

At the front desk they check in and get their room keys. Stevie thought they would be in rooms next to each other but her dads is one floor above hers. Not that it matters, they won't be spending much time in there anyways.

"How about we meet each other back here in 20 minutes? We can change, freshen up a bit and then head out." Her dad suggests and she agrees.
When they reach her floor she gets out and her dad closes the door to go up one more.
"See you in a bit!"

She drags the small suitcase behind her while she checks the doors to find her room.
Once she sees her number she tries to unlock the door. She slides the card through the lock but nothing happens.
"You got to be kidding me right?" She mumbles and tries again.

"Seb! We're going to be late! Get your ass out of that room. We have to go." Daniel bangs his fists on the wooden door of Sebs room.
He really likes the guy, but he is never on time.
Finally the door opens and Seb walks out.

"I'm not that late yet. Stop stressing." His German friend says, closing the door behind him.
He puts his room key in his backpack and checks if he has his phone and pass to get into the paddock.
"You would have been late if I wasn't here to get you. Where is Britta?" Daniel asks. Usually Sebs media officer would make sure he is ready in time.

"She is already at the track. I told her she didn't have to wait for me and that I wouldn't be late. Which I am not." He grins and Daniel rolls his eyes.
Seb would have been running to make it in time if it wasn't for him.

"Let's just get going. We have to go get the bicycles out as well."
They decided as the hotel is right across the street of the circuit entrance, that they would ride a bike there. Walking would be crazy, because of all the fans that are probably already waiting, but on a bike they can just wave and keep going.

They arrived the day before and had a fun night talking about their summer breaks and having a few beers. Only a few, because they can't go into a race weekend already hung over. Christian would kill them if they let themselves go.

Whilst chatting about the upcoming weekend they turn the corner to where the elevators are.
Daniel is stopped dead in his tracks when he sees her.
"Holy shit who is that?" He whispers and Seb looks up.

They both stare at this absolutely stunning young woman with raven black hair all the way down to the small of her back. She seems to struggle with the lock of her hotelroom door and when she looks up to see if there's anybody who might be able to help her Daniel feels like he is struck by lighting.

Staring straight into the most beautiful light blue eyes he has ever seen he feels his heart beat a bit faster.
He can't remember ever seeing anybody this breath taking before.
She has full, pink lips that just beg to be kissed, her black eye lashes are long and thick, she has a cute nose that fits her features perfectly.

Her eyes widen when she sees him and Seb walk over to her.
"Do you need a hand." He asks her, his voice sounds a bit strange, maybe because his mouth feels dry like the Sahara desert.
"I ehm.. the card... the lock." She stammers.

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