Got My Life Back

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Hii Guys!!!

                       Avni was in the room and her head was spinning. Her head pains like a needle thorns her head. She couldn't able to see anything properly. Juhi was in her room thinking about how to escape from this place. A man entered the room with the food to give it to Juhi and left the place. Juhi eats that food. After some time, Ayesha comes there with Ishanth. Ayesha tries to speak with Juhi but before that Dayawanthi comes there with a tense face. Ashish too comes there.

Ayesha: Is everything okay?

Ashish: They found where we are. And they are on the way.

Ayesha: What?

                 Juhi smiles upon hearing it. But her smile drops upon hearing Dayawanthi's words.

Dayawanthi: And Avni is getting weaker. She is suffering from her head pain a lot. I don't know why.

                Ayesha thinks and remembers it.

Ayesha: I think it's because of the effects of Avni's accident.

Ashish: What are you saying?

Ayesha: Dont you remember. She had an accident when she was studying in school. She went into a coma, right? The doctor told us not to give her shock news or the news that would affect her brain. It may lead to any danger. Maybe because of that, now Avni is suffering from a headache.

Juhi: And you are here doing nothing. Leave my way. I want to see my sister.

Dayawanthi: We can't wait anymore. When they come, they have to see only Avni to be dead. We will start the ritual now. Take Ishanth with you.

            Dayawanthi left the place. Ashish tried to get the child from Juhi. But Juhi holds Ishanth stronger and doesn't leave. Ashish slapped Juhi and pushed her and took the baby from her. He left the place. Juhi holds Ayesha's leg when she is about to leave.

Juhi: You are doing wrong. If my son gets to know that his Aunty died because of him, he will live in guilt all his life just like your son living his life now. Do you want that? Please, I am pleading with you. Leave my sister. She has lived all her life in hell. Now only she is happy in in her life. Don't spoil her life. Please.

Ayesha: I can't do anything, Juhi.

             Ayesha left her hold and left the place by closing the door. Juhi cries and prays to God to send them as soon as possible. Neil, Vidyuth, Abhi, Shivin, Ali, and police officers were on the way and stopped the car. They don't have the actual place and come out of the car. They parted ways and searched for them in every place. They met at the same place.

Ali: Where would they be?

                    They move from there to search for other places. On the other side, Avni was tied and Dayawanthi kept Ishanth near her. She placed some of the ritual things before her took the knife and placed it there.

Dayawanthi: Smile as much as you want Avni. You are going to die soon.

Avni: Do you think your great-grandson will become rich if I die?

Dayawanthi: Of course. You gave me all the money and made me rich when you were with me and lived a hell life.

Avni: Do you think so? You become rich because of your hard work. You are using me as a reason. That's it. I saw you near me in my school days. I love the way you work and the presentation you give in your business. You impress your business partners with your work that's why you had a project and become successful. Why can't you understand that small things?

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