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Hii Guys!!!

Sorry guys for giving the late update. I had my internal exam and with the continuation of 2nd week, I had my inter-college competition. Because of the preparation, I couldn't able to update the story. I am sorry. I know you all will be angry with me, especially deepudeepi4. So without any delay, let's get into the story. 🥰

                            Both Avni and Neil see each other. Avni remember Neil's words and started to speak.

Avni: Thank you.

Neil: Ha?

Avni: I spoke to Neela mam and Juhi sis. They told me everything. Th...

Neil: Shh.

                 Neil kept his finger on her mouth making her shut.

Neil: I didn't do this to get thank you from you. So stop saying this.

                   Avni nods her head.

Neil: What? Speak it. Don't nod it.

               Avni signals his hand. He saw that and takes his hand away.

Neil: Speak it.

Avni: I won't.

Neil: Good.

Avni: Why did you help...

Neil: I also didn't help you. I just did something which will make your route clear for your studies.

Avni: When do you guys come to the house? And see my condition.

Neil: We came when you started to yell at your father and made him go out of your house. We heard everything, Avni.

               Avni's eyes filled with tears. She controls that and speaks.

Avni: You must have thought of me as a weak person, right?

Neil: why did you think so?

Avni: The way I adjusted with my parents even after knowing their intention and the way I didn't react and came into their custody. You would have thought of me as a mad girl and weak.

Neil: Yes. We have thought of you as a mad girl. Because even after your parent's intention, how could you be calm and adjust to their torture? But when we get to know that you did all this to get the love of your parents and the memories to build with them even if that was a horrible moment, I understood your love for them. Even though they show hatred, you showed only love to them. Even though it was a foolish act, I can understand that it was because of the love you had for your parents. But I never thought of you as a weak girl. Do you know why?

Avni: why?

Neil: I have never seen a tough and strong girl like you, Avni. Never. At this young age, no one can't be so mature and strong as you. Even I am less mature when I compare to your maturity. I can say you as an example of self-confidence.

Avni: Don't say that to pacify me.

Neil: No, I am serious. Avni, what did you think? Is self-confidence will come only for the person who is participating in any competition? If that is so, then you are participating in this life competition. You came out of your house and studied here without anyone's help and you don't want anyone including us to help you around with everything. Because you can handle yourself. The way you handle your parents to expel them from your house, I became a fan of yours.

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