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Hii Guys!!!

         Avni came and stood before her and faced her. Both stood face to face and saw each other in rage. Everyone in the house sees them and thinks what will happen next. 

Dayawanthi: Still there is a time to finish this day.

           She tried to hold her neck, but Avni took a step back and showed her a knife.

Avni: Dont try to be over-smart. I am smarter than you.

                Asha comes there and sees Mitali.

Asha: Are you okay?

             Mitali nods her head. She hugs her and her eyes fill with tears. She saw Avni, DD, and Neil. DD assures her. Asha takes Mitali with her to her room. Avni goes to her room. DD and Neil left the house. Everyone went to their room. Dayawanthi sits on the sofa. She thinks of what to do next. She can't leave this just like that. It was her 20 years of plan and she won't let ruin just like that. Pragya went to the camp and spoke with Neil and DD. 

Pragya: Neil bro, I think the game is going to end soon. Still, they played hide and seek and now they faced each other. They won't move further. We have to be careful. We don't know what they will do as the next step.

Neil: But, I loved Avni's guts when she speaks boldly to Dayawanthi.

Pragya: She is facing them. I am sure she will come out of her past trauma. 

Neil: Maybe.

Pragya: What do you mean maybe?

Neil: I don't know why. But getting a little fear. Hope everything falls into the right path.

DD: Believe man, everything will be alright.

           Neil nods his head. Mitali in her mom's room requests her to tell everything. Asha didn't say anything. She asked her to be silent for some days. Mitali sighs. The next day, when Avni came out of her room saw everyone was in the hall room. She went and sat there.

Avni: When did you both come here?

DD: Ashish's uncle called us and warned us to come.

Avni: Why?

Ashish: Because Mom asked me to do so.

Avni: Why?

Dayawanthi: Because I want everyone to welcome you all to the marriage.

Avni: Whose marriage?

Dayawanthi: Your marriage with Vidyuth.

Avni and Vidyuth: What?

Dayawanthi: Dont forget vidyuth, You came here to marry Avni.

Vidyuth: But...

Dayawanthi: Whatever I do is only for your goodness only. So, don't try to stop me. Do what I say.

Vidyuth: Okay. But you have to get Avni's consultant. I won't marry a girl without her full consent.

                  Vidyuth sees Dayawanthi.

Dayawanthi: If you want to live a wealthy life you should not see that things. 

Vidyuth: But I never asked you for a wealthy life.

Dayawanthi: I must give. It's my duty.

            Dayawanthi sees Avni.

Dayawanthi: You know I noticed you for a long time. Then you must know that I know everything that happened in your life. I know you were introduced to each one of the youth guys standing here, especially Neil and DD. And I know one of them loves you. I want to know who he is. DD helps you in some situations and Neil helps you in some situations. But it's difficult to find who the person is because both care about you.

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