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                    Neil and his friends were at their regular place and speaking about the problem which has solved completely and it was fine and everything become normal after 3 days. Pragya comes there and greets them and they greet her back.

Pragya: Where are Avni, Bulbul, and Ria?

Abhi: Dont you know, tomorrow is the fresher's day? So, their seniors would have given them work to arrange and decorate the class their department has allotted. So, today fully they will be in that work.

Monica: And this time, UG and PG are joining together to celebrate freshers' day.

Pragya: Why is it so?

Ali: Last time, PG history major students created a problem while conducting a farewell for their seniors since they couldn't get more money since they have a limited number of students and also for some other reasons. So, the chairperson has decided to give the freshers and farewell function altogether and no UG or PG. Everyone together.

Pragya: I see.

Monica: Didnt you go to work for your department?

Pragya: Why should I? Even I am also a new student.

Abhi: Aha.

DD: By the way, is Avni singing the song for freshers?

Neil: I don't know.

Abhi: Ya man, if you get to know, just call us. We will come there to hear her voice. Last time, I ended up hearing on the phone, this time I should hear live.

Pragya: so, you are a fan of Avni's voice.

Abhi: Yes. But she missed a chance to sing for the college.

Neil: But, she sang in our department competition. I didn't miss it.

Abhi: You? Go, man. But, Pragya, I am serious. She has a good voice. She can join our music club to go to various competitions. She has that capability.

Pragya: But, Abhi. It can't be possible.

Abhi: Why? You told me that she came out of her house because her parents fixed her marriage. So what. Is that necessary to hide her talent just because she came out of her house? She needs to prove her talent now only. She needs to prove to her parent that their decision was wrong by proving herself.

DD: Wow, Abhi. You know to speak like this?

Purab: Ya man. But, seriously Pragya, he is right. Why don't you speak with Avni about this?

Neil: Maybe it will enlighten her future. You know, everyone from the various college enjoyed her song and loved her voice in the competition, especially the Judges. She needs to try, right?

Pragya: I will speak with her. You guys are right. I didn't think about it. I just thought about her problem like her. After the fresher's day, I will speak.

Abhi: Good.

DD: Pragya, are you only getting fear of her parents may find where Avni is and they may marry her to someone else?

Pragya: Ha?

DD: No, I am just asking. You and Avni both are getting fear of getting caught by her parents. That's why. Is that the only reason?

         Pragya remembers something and it was flashed to her before. (Some of the incidents were coming into her mind bit by bit. Where Avni was calling her and speaking with her in a tense tone. Pragya asked her to go near any police station as soon as possible. And another incident both were seeing each other and Avni hugged Pragya in fear and she was consoling her.) By remembering the incident, her heart beats faster and she trembles in fear, and her hand was shivering. The gang who was sitting before her was stunned by her state. Abhi calls her and Pragya was still recalling it. Abhi shook her and Praya comes out of her trance and sees him.

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