Separation pain

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                     Neil went blank hearing everything and came out of the place. His friends followed him. He came out of the station and ruffled his hair in tension, and, the fear of losing Avni growing more and more. He sees his bike and kicks to show his frustration. Purab held the bike before it could fall. Abhi made him sit on the bench. Neil started to slap himself and Abhi held his hand and Pragya shouted in anger.

Pragya: Why you are harming yourself, bro?

Neil: Pragya, it's my fault. I shouldn't have let go of Avni alone. She said that we can go in the evening. But, I am the one who told her to go early to spend the with her family. I know Dayawanthi was near us, but how did I forget her at that moment? If I had heard Avni's words then this wouldn't have happened. It was all my fault.

                He again tries to harm himself by slapping, but Ali stops him. 

Ria: Do you think that it is enough if you harm yourself? Will Avni come back if you blame yourself If it is so, then do it. No one will stop you.

Pragya: Bro, it's not too time to blame yourself. And you are not at fault. We have to find Avni now. She must be scared now. She must be waiting for you by believing that you will come to save her. If you sat here in a broken condition, then think about Avni's state. Dayawanthi crossed all her limits. This time, if I see her, then I will kill her on my hands.

Neil: I will kill her. She did every bad thing to my Avni. I thought of killing her in the first stage itself. But, it stopped because of Avni. Now, this time I won't stop myself from killing her.

Vidyuth: No, her death will be on my hands.

            Everyone turns and sees Vidyuth. His eyes were in bloodshot anger.

Vidyuth: Even after a lot of warnings, she did her nasty things again. This problem starts with me. So, it's me who will end the problem by killing Dayawanthi.

Amit: She harmed both of my sisters. How could you think that I will sit simply. ? It's me who is going to kill her.

                      Their family members too came out at that time.

Neela: Do you think killing someone is an easy job? Stop thinking about killing her and find a way to save both of my daughters. You can think about your revenge plan after that.

                      Neela moved from there. Everyone moved from there and only Neil, Abhi, Vidyuth, Nikhil, Ria, Ali, Purab, and Pragya were standing. Thanu comes and gets to know about everything.

Nikhil: I will ask my people to search for details about the person who kidnapped them. We can find both of them.

                      Nikhil moved from there with Thanu by calling his P.A. The remaining left the police station and searches for in all possible places. The police in Dayawanthi's hometown went to her home and industries and searched the place completely. But they weren't found there. The information was passed to both Vidyuth and Neil. Their restlessness and fear of losing them started to grow more. The little hope they had also broken by that call. It was already in the evening and no information arrived about them. On the other side, Avni was in the room crying and waiting for Neil to reach her so that she would be in his embrace and nothing to be fear of anything. The room was dark, so she couldn't able to see anything. Suddenly a man came inside and on the light. With a hasty flash of light, Avni closed her eyes and opened them only to be shocked to see the big snake on the ground. It was coming towards her. Avni shouts in fear and asks for help. She gets on the table and sits in the corner. Juhi who hears her shouting, tries to open the door, but she ends up injuring her hand. She sits on the corner and cries thinking about their fate. She cries more hearing Avni's scream a lot. Avni lost her energy and the man put the snake in the bag back and left the place. Avni felt a relief and sighed. Ashish comes there and laughs seeing Avni's state.

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