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Avni was working to complete her order. Suddenly she remembers Neil's conversation with her.

Avni: It's not that I don't want to trust you. It's only fear.

Avni took the letter he wrote and thinks. She kept that aside and gets back to her work. On the other side, Neil thinks about Monica's words and was disturbed. He was confusing himself a lot. He left aside and starts to study. The next day, when they were all together and were speaking randomly, a car stopped, and Thanu and Vidyuth comes out of the car. They all saw them. They both saw their gang and moved toward them and stood before them. By seeing Abhi together with Pragya, Thanu fires on jealousy. Juhi comes there and drags Vidyuth from there. Thanu sees Pragya. Pragya who can't able to see her stare comes and stood before her and sees her.

Pragya: For your kind information, my mind is more terrible than you could imagine. If you keep on stare me like this then I won't mind throwing the sand from taking the ground at your eyes.

Thanu: You

Pragya: Do you think I can't do it? Wait, let me show you the trials. Be careful.

Pragya bends to take the soil. Thanu was standing like a statue. Pragya straightens herself and slapped her. Thanu who didn't expect this move from her gets shocked and sees her in anger.

Thanu: How dare you?

Pragya: Hadn't I told you before to be careful? I am not the one who keeps up a word to a person like you. This slap is for badmouthing me to Abhi whenever you see him. I won't slap you for trying to snatch Abhi from me. Because you can't do that even in your dreams. So, now get away from this place.

Thanu: Pragya, you did a big mistake by slapping me. Don't think of me like Vidyuth who will be silent just because I am suspended and back now. If I fixed to get something then I will get that at any cost. I fixed Abhi as mine. I will get that by any means. For that, if I had to separate you both I will do every means like I did for Avni and planned to do for Bulbul. I will do it.

Bulbul: How could you speak like that even after getting a slap from her?

Thanu: You are a little girl in this matter, Bulbul. Just be out of my way. And Pragya it's hard to break your guys' trust in having for each. But I can break your relationship by using your friends. Am I right? So, take care of your two close friends carefully. Because no one knows what is gonna happen next for them.

Thanu smiles louder and sees both Bulbul and Avni evilly which makes their gang horrified to see her. She moves from there. Bulbul and Avni see each other and Pragya. Pragya sees them. One of Avni's classmates crossed their way. Avni who sees her stops her, bid bye to her friends, and catch up with her to speak with her about the class. Bulbul too said bye to her friends and moved to her class. Pragya sees both of her friends leaving out of her sight and without her knowledge some fear arises inside her.

Abhi: You don't worry. She can't do anything to them when we are with you.

Purab: Don't you know how strong your two friends are?

Pragya sees them. They smiles and asked her to smile. Pragya smiles. They all went to their class. After two days, Abhi comes to Avni's class and called her by saying it was the news from the Music club. The professor allowed Avni to go. Avni comes out and speaks with Abhi.

Avni: Tell me, brother.

Abhi: We got a music competition going to conduct by SV university on Sunday. It was getting on to be a performance by only a couple. So, I planned for you as a female singer to participate in the competition. Are you okay with that?

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