Their Doubts

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Hii Guys!!!

Dayawanthi moved from there to check who it was. On the other side, Mitali hears her mom's voice and saw DD in shock.

DD: What should we do now?

Avni enters the room and locked the door and calls Neil out. Neil comes out and saw her.

Avni: You have to leave now. Asha Maa is saying that the thief has entered. If they saw you then they will think that you are a thief. Go from here.

Neil: Okay. I will go behind the terrace.

Avni: No.

DD: Why?

Mitali: If you move out of the terrace and if someone is found then that will lead to trouble.

Neil: Then how can I leave?

Avni and Mitali think.

Mitali: Idea.

Avni: There is a back door in the storeroom. You go to the store room and move out of the house.

Neil: Thats a nice idea.

DD: But how will I leave?

Mitali: I will take this bedsheet and comes out of the room by hiding you.

Avni: if someone asks I will tell them I took this bedsheet to catch a thief redhand. Okay?

Neil: Not bad.

Mitali: After you cross the 2 rooms of Avni's room, then no one can see you from upstairs. So, you can run from there and enter the storeroom which is the first room when you go downstairs.

DD: Okay.

Both Avni and Mitali took their bed sheet and holds the bed sheet and open the door. Neil hides behind the bedsheet and DD hides behind Mitali's bedsheet and the four of them comes out of their respective room. Both Avni and Mitali were shocked to see the bedsheet in the other's hand. Their family members who were in the hall room see both of them and laugh.

Ashish: what you both are doing when we are searching thief here?

Mitali: We? That...

Avni: We are trying to catch a thief using a bedsheet.

Mitali: Yes. Right.

Mitali and Avni who were standing at the distance of 3 rooms gap, Neil and DD saw each other when they were hiding behind the bedsheet in the sitting position on their knees. They both shout and Mitali and Avni shouts hearing their shout. Their family members saw them again.

Ranjith: Isn't that gents voice?

Avni and Mitali get angry and see the boys. They fold their ears off saying sorry and both were shocked to see their friend there. Avni and Mitali too saw DD and Neil. They smile in awkwardness and went according to their plan. They moved slowly and Neil and DD moved with the small step. When Mitali comes near, both DD and Neil run from there. The girls get relief and went downstairs the other way. The boys who run to downstairs got blocked by Vidyuth. They were stunned.

Vidyuth: I caught a thi...

Before he could complete the sentence, he stops his word by seeing Neil and DD.

Vidyuth: Neil? DD?

DD: Hi bro. What's up?

Neil: We want to leave now. We will talk later.

Vidyuth: No, I want to talk now.

Neil: Now? How?

Vidyuth: You both go to my room. I will be back.

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