Monica's Marriage

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Hii Guys!!!

Avni and Neil were like that for a minute. Bhavesh comes there and calls them. Both broke their hug. Neil and Bhavesh see each other.

Bhavesh: Hi bro, I am Bhavesh. Avni's friend.

Both shake their hand.

Neil: Ya, I heard about you from Avni. I am...

Bhavesh: Neil. I know. Avni has told me a lot about you. No, not a lot, she will speak about you only daily in her free time when we have lunch, thought of speaking about anything, every time, it will be only you to whom she speaks. And ya, her friends too. But you will be the first in everything. Even now while coming, she was like, that stu... Ah...

Avni widens her eyes and hits his leg. Bhavesh shouts in pain. Neil was confused by seeing that.

Bhavesh: Whatever it is I am going to tell. She said that...

Avni: You will miss your local train.

Bhavesh: Thats okay. Bro, she said that...

Avni: Bhavesh

Neil: Avni, let him tell what he wants to say.

Bhavesh: See, he is on my side. She said that this stupid is always like this. He is not coming to see me. I am here missing him and longing to see him but he is just being happy by teasing me. And...

Avni: Thats enough.

Bhavesh: Neil bro, have you heard this sentence, " She fell first but he fell harder"?

Neil: Yes.

Bhavesh: That statement will be suitable for Juhi sis and Vidyuth bro. In your love story, it's a role reversal. He fell first but she fell harder. She is madly in love with you. I can see that in her eyes when she speaks about you.

Avni: Enough. You go.

Bhavesh: Aren't you coming?

Avni: My Neil came to pick me up. So we will some time alone and I will join with Juhi sis. So you go to your home.

Bhavesh: Both the sisters left me alone after seeing your man. It's not fair. You all are breaking this single man's heart.

Avni: Dont be so dramatic.

Bhavesh: Oh. You are so mean. Neil bro, it's nice meeting you. Finally, I got a chance to meet you in person and you look handsome than in the photo.

Neil: Thank you for your compliment.

Avni: Leave. Take care, bye.

Bhavesh: Iam leaving. Bye. Take care.

Bhavesh left the place. Neil and Avni waved their hands and he waved back. After he left from their sight, Avni and Neil see each other.

Neil: You both are so close friends than I thought. It was like you were friendly with Pragya.

Avni: Isn't it? Even Juhi's sis says that. But he gives me the vibe of Pragya. He was jovial and character wise same as Pragya. Maybe because of that, I would have created a close bond with him.

Neil: Is he the only friend for you?

Avni: No. There is. They are from other countries.

Neil: You never told me about them.

Avni: They are girls and...

Neil: So, you are being possessive of them to introduce me.

Avni: No. Why? By the way aren't you jealous of Bhavesh? You are so casual.

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