Chapter 20: Graduation day!

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Okay, I know I wouldn't normally fast forward to the summer, but I had to for the fun of it.

So, it was graduation day, and I was invited as Dopey's plus one to the ceremony and his party. But I realized that Weirdo was graduating too. And his girlfriend was going to be there. I decided I was going to wear an emerald dress to the ceremony, and my Aries dress to the party. My friends Gabriel, Oscar, Carlos, Grover were invited to the party but only one could go to the graduation ceremony with me. So, I chose my best friend, Gabriel to come with me to the ceremony.

While at the ceremony, Gabriel and I sat next to each other in one aisle, and we were waiting for the ceremony to start. He asked me, "Do you know anything about high school graduations?" I answered, "All I know is that there is a rehearsal before the graduation day arrives. Then, there is a party. We're not doing one because we're going to Disney instead, remember?" Gabriel was about to open his mouth to answer but we heard music, and that told us to stop talking.

The graduation ceremony was hella long, and I got kinda sad. I failed the global regents and I have to stay here an extra year. After I failed it, I had to take the damn subject again. I felt as though I would never graduate or get a job. But, my boyfriend told me to keep my head up high because I have so much potential in me.

After the ceremony, I hugged Dopey and told him congratulations. He said, "Thank you! Did you know Weirdo has a girlfriend?" I said flatly, "Yep. And she is in our gym class." "Ugh...I'm sorry." I then asked, "What are your plans for after high school?" He was about to answer when—
"OMG, Dopey! I've been looking for you everywhere!" It was Weirdo's girlfriend. I shouted, "What is wrong with you?? You must be delusional, interrupting our conversation!" Dopey then escorted us away. "Call me!" Pillow called out.

"Are you okay?" Dopey asked. "Not really. She barged in our conversation!" I exclaimed. After a moment of silence, Dopey asked, "Hey. Do you want to go for a walk?" I nodded my head yes.

Dopey told me he was going to do our favorite program with me (it's an adult program for people with special needs and we both have special needs and we both go to the program, but he's going every day). He then told me that he was going to tell me over the summer, but he wanted to tell me now to make me feel better. I gave him a hug, and told him that he is the best boyfriend I've had (my ex boyfriend was a Fraggle and he ditched me for 2 standbys).

After the party, my friends and I left and we were conversing on the car ride to my house. "At least Weirdo doesn't come to school here anymore," Gabriel said reassuringly. "Yes, but we have to deal with his girlfriend." Carlos said. We just sat there in silence the ride home, not knowing if we would get tortured by sleep deprived weirdo's girlfriend.

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