Chapter 19: weirdo's girlfriend

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This part is shocking because...

Weirdo had found a girlfriend. Her name is Pillow (and you thought sleep deprived weirdo was bad!). She transferred from Dopey's high school to our high school (I know I shouldn't mention high schools here but it's whatever). And holy crap, she looks just like him. But more problematic! We saw her in the halls today. She looked like him: white hair in braids, wearing blue, has a black tote, and had a smirk on her face. Oh, and Pillow is in 11th grade. I overheard them talking about weirdo's graduation party (but in reality, he's not gonna have one because he's broke as shit). Where did I overhear them? In the janitor's closet. They were so loud, I could hear them from across the hall.

I told my friends Gabriel and Carlos about it, and they burst into laughter. Gabriel asked, "Where is this girlfriend? I'm actually curious." I whipped out my phone, and showed them a picture of him and his girlfriend, posted on Pillow's insta post. Carlos said, "She looks exactly like him! It's kinda scary." "Where did she transfer from?" Gabriel asked. "Dopey's school." I answered. "Why did she transfer here? What does she want from us??" Carlos asked in a scared tone. "Don't worry about it! It's not like she's in any of our class or anything." Then I heard Grover behind us. He said, "Uh, I hate to break it to you, but Weirdo's girlfriend is in our gym class on even days." "Dammit!" Carlos muttered under his breath. I said, "Wonderful." Then, I heard a high school girl's voice. It was Weirdo's girlfriend.  She asked, "Are you mad that I'm in your gym class?" We turned around slowly. "That's perfect for me. Wanna know why?" Gabriel folded his arms and said, "Not really." "Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. You guys bully my boyfriend, and I'm going to get revenge by telling him every word you say that disses him." Pillow said in a sassy tone. "That's an invasion of privacy," I said. "Who are you?" Pillow asked. "I'm Jen, and your boyfriend is a fucking nut case!" I spoke up. "Why do you want to do that? That's not his business!" Pillow then got in my face and said, "It should be his business! You're making fun of him, and it needs to stop." Then, the bell rang, and we scurried to our classes. We had studio in design first, then U.S. history, then nothing for 2 periods. Then, the dreaded gym period began.

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