Chapter 14: its not over til i say it is over!

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Now before I go on, I am just gonna ask you a question; would you defend your enemy? I don't know about you but I wouldn't. Especially since he was telling me that Dopey and I don't go well together! I decided to go talk to my friend, Claire Ambrose. We were not that close, but then we put matters aside and became friends again.

"Are you sure about this?" Gabriel asked me. I answered, "Yes. If anyone can help me, it's gotta be Claire. She's a frickin therapist!" "Yes, but she's not your..." Gabriel was interrupted by me ringing the doorbell. Claire opened it, and she said, "Oh, hello Jen! I'm so happy to see you!" I said, "I need your help. Please." Claire said, "But of course! Come inside. It's freezing cold out." Then, Gabriel and I went inside. Claire asked me who Gabriel was. I answered, "That's my best friend Gabriel. We've been besties since preschool." He bowed down like a prince for no apparent reason. "I can tell you're adorable."  Claire laughed. "Thanks!" said Gabriel.

Then, in her kitchen, where we had hot chocolate, I told her everything: about how sleep deprived weirdo disapproved of me being with Dopey, how he doesn't like me calling him a sleep deprived weirdo because that's what he is, how much I love being with Dopey, and how weirdo has been spreading rumors about me and Dopey being together. Claire then answered me, "Hmm. I think you should just try to avoid him as much as possible. Do you have his number?" "Weirdo's? Yes, but I deleted it and blocked him. That was a mistake I tell you."

I will write more tomorrow or something. I'm about to get off the bus.

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