Chapter 10: the dirty idea

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Sleep deprived weirdo was pacing around Doc's invention room, thinking of ways he and virus spreader could fuck up my relationship with Dopey. He said to virus, "What if we follow Jen, Dopey, and her family to Long Island?" Virus then asked, "What would we do there?" Weirdo answered, "We would...disguise ourselves, become ghosts, and tell lies about Jen in Dopey's voice. She lied about us so this will be revenge!" Virus said, "But how are we going to get his voice? Do we have a voice changer?" Weirdo said, "We'll have to buy one, of course. My allowance should be enough for the voice changer." Virus said, "We should combine our allowances, so we could have change." They gave each other a high five, and set off to the store.

I had no idea about what sleep deprived weirdo and virus spreader were planning. But I know one thing: I would find out later rather than sooner.

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