Chapter 1: how i found him

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It was during November. I was home from school one day, and my friends, Gabriel, Oscar, and Carlos, and I were going through my DVDs. I found the Snow White Blu-Ray disc, read the description on what was on the DVDs, and I asked my friends if they wanted to play the games on it. And they said yes.

We found the movie and we started to watch it. And once we got to Snow White identifying the dwarfs and when we saw sleep deprived weirdo on da screen, these were our reactions:
Me: *hid my eyes*
Carlos: *covered his twin Oscar's eyes*
Gabriel: *gag*

Once we turned THAT off, I said, "What do we call him if we see him?" Gabriel exclaimed, "Sleep deprived weirdo!" I thought about it and Carlos exclaimed, "GENIUS!!!!"
Then, Gabriel and Carlos chanted, "Sleep deprived weirdo! Sleep deprived weirdo! Sleep deprived weirdo! Sleep deprived weirdo! Sleep deprived weirdo! Sleep deprived weirdo! Sleep depvri..."
That shit went on for 50 seconds. It was hilarious, but annoying.

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