Chapter 5: a heated argument, part 1

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As I've said before, this is a story. NONE of this is real (except my hatred for sleep deprived weirdo and my imaginary friends and boyfriend).

Anyway, so one day, I was talking to my boyfriend one night in my room, and guess who had the audacity to call him? Sleep deprived weirdo. Dopey said to me, "I should probably answer this..." I answered, "I would prefer if you didn't." He said, "Why not?" I said, "He's just going to fall asleep on the phone! I've heard my friend talk to him, and he got pissed because he was not answering. And also, your visiting me! Aren't you...?" Dopey answered, "You're right. I'll call him...later." He hung up on weirdo and I whisper-shouted, "You're amazing!!" I had to whisper bc it was late at my house.

After talking a while longer, weirdo called again. I said, "You should probably go. Not to answer him, but bc it's 8:45 pm and my mom would flip if I was still awake." He said, "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow?" I said yes. We hugged each other good night, he left, and I will have to ask him what he called about.

Fast forward to today at school, I got a text from my friend, Carlos, saying, "turkey cutlets." (That is our secret code word for Something is happening, get your ass over here.) I replied, "What is it?" He replied, "weirdo is pissed off, and he keeps following me and yelling at me. Plz help!" I replied, "call me."

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