Chapter 12: the break, pt. 2

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I legitimately stormed to the washer/dryer because that was where the voice was. It was sleep deprived weirdo and virus spreader!

I was angry, and I exclaimed, "What is wrong with you, trying to stalk me and my boyfriend?!" Virus said in a oddly calm manner, "We only did this bc you don't belong together. There is no chemistry between you and Dopey." Lucia then spoke up, saying, "So, you think that stalking them is going to solve this? Well, I got news for you, virus: it won't do you a damn thing." Sleep deprived weirdo corrected Lucia, but she took no notice of him. She told the weirdo and virus they were messed up and that they should go home, because we didn't invite them. Weirdo turned and said, "Jen, I think you are a literal bitch, and you don't go well with Dopey." I just smiled and said, "Thank you so much! And I think you and the virus spreader make a shit couple as well, but you don't really care do you? Yea I didn't think so." Then, Dopey and I were waving goodbye. Then, they stormed out the door.

I said, "Well, another crisis averted." Lucia told me, "Wow. No wonder why you don't like them."

Just so you know, this story is far from over. I just wanted to finish this chapter because wattpad keeps telling me that the chapter is too short, and I need to write more. So I did lol

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