Chapter 6: a heated argument, part 2

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I was on the phone with Carlos, and he was FRANTIC. He said, "Sleep deprived weirdo kept chasing me around the halls and his eyes are bloodshot, and—" I interrupted him, saying, "Where are you?" Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I thought it was weirdo, but it was Carlos. He was shaking like a leaf. I said, "Yea I think we should tell the principal." And just before we started towards the office...weirdo was right there! He looked just as my friend described him: bloodshot eyes, dark circles under his eyes, looking pissed, and, I don't think I've mentioned this, his clothes were wrinkled. It was like he missed the bus and was late. I whispered to Carlos, "Go get the principal. I'll handle this bastard." Carlos ran to the principal's office. I said, "Sleep deprived weirdo, what is the matter with you? You ought to be crazy, chasing my friend across the halls and scaring the shit out of him!" He said angrily, "You told Dopey to hang up on me, didn't you??" I stood still. No answer. "ANSWER ME!" sleep deprived weirdo shouted. I said, "Yes. I did tell him to not answer you. He's my boyfriend! Why should he answer you? You would fall asleep on the phone anyway!" He looked at me, with great scorn. I shook like Carlos did. Then, the assistant principal came over along with a trembling Carlos. "Sleep deprived weirdo, may I see you in my office?" asked the assistant principal (I can't say his name here). He came to the assistant principal with great worry. Then, the assistant principal told my friend, "You can go home early. Don't worry, your aunt is coming to pick you up." (Carlos and his twin, Oscar, who wasn't mentioned in this chapter, are adopted by their aunt and uncle). Then, Carlos' aunt, Mrs. Gonzalez, came to get him. She consoled him as they went to her car together. Gabriel came down the stairs, asking me, "What the hell happened? And why is weirdo here?" I said, "'s a long story. I'll tell you on the bus."

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