Chapter 9: meanwhile...

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After work, Dopey was talking to sleep deprived weirdo and virus spreader about how amazing, funny and beautiful I am. Virus spreader replied, "Do you realize that your 'beautiful' girlfriend is the cause of sleep deprived weirdo being suspended?" Sleep deprived weirdo agreed. "I didn't do a damn thing, I just missed the freaking bus! What do you want me to do about it?" Dopey interjected, "I understand that, but you freaked the hell out of her friend, Carlos. Who the frick goes around just scaring people, yelling at them? Maybe there was a good reason you got expelled..."

Bashful and Empathy, his girlfriend, then joined the conversation. "What are you guys talking about?" asked Empathy. Dopey filled her in on how he was talking about me and how beautiful, funny, and altogether amazing, then, virus said how I got sleep deprived weirdo suspended (which, btw, is not true. He's making up shit just to cover himself. I don't even know how he fuckin sleeps at night, but whatever, weirdo, do you) and how he defended me, saying that weirdo was suspended simply because he was late several times, and how he was annoyed by the fact that Dopey didn't answer his text, so he went around harassing people bc he was tired, annoyed, or whatever.

Both Bashful and Empathy was torn who to believe. Virus asked, "How could you defend a girl like that? She's going to get you in trouble one of these days, Dopester. I hope you regret having her as your girlfriend in the future." Then, virus spreader and sleep deprived weirdo marched upstairs to take a nap together. Dopey stood there in anger and confusion. Empathy said, "I think you and Jen make a wonderful couple. Don't listen to them, they have no idea what they're talking about." Bashful agreed. "Yeah, Jen's a really nice girl. You won't regret dating her, I promise you."

Then, it was the Friday before Thanksgiving break, and Carlos came to school after being absent for god knows how long. He was chipper as ever, and surprised us with Dunkin' Donuts. "Surprise! I got all your favorites." Gabriel said, "YAY!! Carlos, you're the best!" Carlos said, "Well, you did give me a Dunkin' Donuts gift card, so I used it to surprise you!" I asked, "What is this for? ARE YOU LEAVING?!" Carlos looked at me and said, "No! I just wanted to surprise you bc we're all going separate ways for the break. But we will meet the Monday after, correct?" Gabriel and I said yes. And we enjoyed our donuts :).

Yes I know I talk about unrelated topics. But it's all in good fun, I promise

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