Chapter 16: lies, lies, lies (pt. 1)

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During lunch, I went to see my friend's friend, Wes. He asked me if me chasing after weirdo, looking sleep deprived, and threatening to hurt him, was true. I said it wasn't true. "He was actually the one who was looking sleep deprived, and chasing after Carlos." Carlos came up to us asking, "What are you guys talking about?" "How sleep deprived weirdo is spreading lies about Jen." "What? Why would he spread lies about Jen? What did he say??" Wes then explained how I was the one that chased after weirdo when clearly, it was him who was chasing after Carlos, and shouting death threats (For all you fans of him who are like, "but he's a fictional character, blah, blah, blah", IT'S JUST A FRICKIN STORY! Get over it!).

Anyway, I didn't have school yesterday, so I forgot to write more. So I'm writing more today.

Then, while waiting for U.S. history to start, Weirdo was flirting with Gabriel's girlfriend, Julia. Gabriel told Weirdo that she was dating him, but Weirdo refused to listen. A LOT of people flirt to Julia, yet no matter how many times he tells them that he's dating her. Julia is not interested in Weirdo, thankfully. She even told him, "I can't date you. I'm faithful to Gabriel." Carlos and I were cheering silently when she said that (because she really is a wonderful lady, who is faithful to her mans). We even did a high five. I think Weirdo heard our high five, and he came close to us like a germ.

He asked, "What the hell was that for??" I was about to say, "Not your business. That's what." I answered, "The fact that Julia rejected you. She is faithful to Gabriel, and you have the audacity to flirt with her?!" Weirdo said, "She's pretty..." I then angrily answered, "You are a sleep deprived weirdo. And if a girl doesn't like you, I don't either!" (South Park reference). Carlos agreed with me. "Gabriel and Julia have known each other since middle school. And you interrupting their relationship is absolutely disgraceful. Just saying." Weirdo then looked at us the way he looked at Carlos and stormed off. My friend shuddered, and asked me, "What other lies has this weirdo told other people?" "I'm not sure," I replied. "But I'm anxious to find out."

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