Chapter 3: meeting my new boyfriend's family

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I was going to make a chapter about my birthday, but I decided not to.

Anyway...I was at my boyfriend, Dopey's house. And I was introduced to his family (like the other 6D). And then, I noticed him (not Dopey, but...sleep deprived weirdo).
So I asked, "Who is that strange blue object that looks like he will break his neck?" And Dopey said, "That's your mortal enemy." I froze. Then I asked, "Why is he here?" Dopey said, "He doesn't have a date." I whispered, "Because he's annoying..." (then my voice got louder) "And no girl will ever take him cuz he's a sleep deprived weirdo." Then, Doc went over to us and whispered, "That's so mean!" I said, "Well, it's the truth. Also, he didn't hear me." Then virus spreader (Sneezy, to be exact) heard me and just went ballistic crazy. He was telling me about how they are a couple and scolding me about how I shouldn't make fun of him. I just said, "I'm just sass talking him. That's it."
He rolled his eyes and said something to sleep deprived weirdo. I was appalled that he would tell him that Dopey shouldn't date me (or at least that's what I thought).

The next day at school I told my friends what happened. Gabriel exclaimed, "OMG!" Carlos asked, "Why would he say that?" And Oscar asked, "Are you sure that's true?" I said, "Positive." Carlos said, "But you still love Dopey, right?" I replied, "Of course!"

I could tell that sleep deprived weirdo and virus spreader did NOT approve of me and Dopey. But you know what? They can go joke themselves.

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