Chapter 15: after the visit

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Anyway, Claire and I talked for a while, then her husband came home from work. After that, we bade each other goodbye, and I walked out of her house (my friend waiting for me).

Let's cut to today. I was innocently watching Liv Pearsall (she's one of my favorite YouTubers) and Gabriel texted me saying, "Weirdo's back. And people are surrounding him." I replied, "Why are people around him?!" Gabriel replied, "I don't know. Let's go see why!" I texted back, "Why would we want to do that?" He replied, "just because." Then, I was about to tell him I was in class, but I wasn't. And I didn't want to lie to him. So, I told him I was coming. I unplugged my phone, closed my Chromebook, and met up with Gabriel. We greeted each other and he told me that people were surrounding him in the lobby.

We went to the lobby and we didn't see him. Then, Carlos was behind us, and he asked, "Are you looking for weirdo?" I answered, "Yes why?" He said, "He's sleepwalking. In the HALLS! So be on the lookout, okay?" I answered, "Okay." Then, Gabriel and I went to our first period class. And in the hallway, just as Carlos said, it was weirdo. As we were walking to the class, he walked into us. I yelled at him, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!" I think the people in the halls were concerned, because they stared at us. Weirdo then fell backwards and woke up. He said, "I'm sorry! I didn't see you there." I answered bitterly, "You shouldn't sleepwalk in the hallways at school." He said, "I woke up late and I get tired easily. I can't control it." Gabriel jumped in, saying, "You can control it, you just don't want to get up for school. Why don't you want to go to school? Is it because of us? Huh?" Then, weirdo pushed Gabriel, and he lashed out at us. Gabriel said, "Don't touch me." I then said to weirdo, "You are so sleep deprived, you need therapy!"

Then, we went to class. My teacher asked, "Are you guys okay? What was all that shouting?" I answered, "Just a problem with a student." Gabriel interjected, "The student pushed me! And he was sleepwalking in the halls. I don't know how people tolerate this." She said, "Wow. Who was the student, and where was he sleepwalking?" I told her that the student was Weirdo (well, I told her his actual name, but I can't put it here bc I didn't want to). Then, she thanked us for telling her what happened. We said you're welcome and we went to build our project (we're in studio in design).

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